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[英]Get value of child from the value of another child with the same parent in XML using PHP

I have the following XML document: 我有以下XML文档:


I am trying to create a program using PHP that returns the "scarcity" of a certain "badgeid" (that is always unique). 我正在尝试使用PHP创建一个程序,该程序返回某个“徽章”(总是唯一的)的“稀缺性”。

So my question is: How do I get the value of <scarcity></scarcity> when the only input I receive from the user is a unique badgeid ? 所以我的问题是:当我从用户收到的唯一输入是唯一的badgeid时,如何获得<scarcity></scarcity>的值? In general words: How do I get the value of a child from the value of another child with the same parent? 概括地说:如何从同一个父母的另一个孩子的价值中获得一个孩子的价值?

You could also use an xpath expression and use the $badgeid as a parameter: 您还可以使用xpath表达式并将$badgeid用作参数:

$expression = "/response/message[./badgeid='$badgeid']";

Then you could for example use SimpleXMLElement or DOMDocument . 然后,您可以使用SimpleXMLElementDOMDocument

$data = <<<DATA

$badgeid = 25;
$xml = simplexml_load_string($data);
$expression = "/response/message[./badgeid='$badgeid']";
$items = $xml->xpath($expression);

if (count($items) === 1) {
    echo $items[0]->scarcity;

$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
$res = $xpath->query($expression);

if ($res->length === 1) {
    echo $res->item(0)->getElementsByTagName("scarcity")->item(0)->nodeValue;

Demo 演示

You could use simplexml_load_string() for an XML string, or simplexml_load_file() if it is a XML file. 你可以使用simplexml_load_string()为一个XML字符串,或simplexml_load_file()如果它是一个XML文件。 Then you could iterate over $xml->message and check if $message->badgeid is the item you want : 然后,您可以遍历$xml->message并检查$message->badgeid是否是您想要的项目:

$xmlstr = '<response>

$badgeid = 21 ; // The value you want to search
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlstr);
$scarcity = null ;
foreach ($xml->message as $message) {
    if ((string)$message->badgeid == $badgeid) {
        $scarcity = (string)$message->scarcity ;
        break ;

// use $scarcity if set.
if (isset($scarcity)) {
    // do stuff
    echo $scarcity ; // 16650345

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