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[英]in OnAttachedToWindow(…), GetWindowVisibleDisplayFrame() returns 0 for all dimensions

I'm attempting to change the size of my activity in OnAttachedToWindow, so that it appears floating. 我试图在OnAttachedToWindow中更改活动的大小,以使其显示为浮动。 In order to calculate it's new size, I need to get the visible display frame for the decor view. 为了计算新尺寸,我需要获得装饰视图的可见显示框架。 But it returns 0. 但它返回0。

I actually need to get the height of the status bar. 我实际上需要获取状态栏的高度。 I followed this guide: How to get Android screen height minus status bar in pixel? 我遵循了本指南: 如何获取Android屏幕高度减去状态栏(以像素为单位)?

But it doesn't work. 但这是行不通的。

How can I get the height of the status bar (or the visible display frame) in OnAttachedToWindow? 如何在OnAttachedToWindow中获取状态栏(或可见显示框)的高度?

I would have thought this possible since, apparently, it has been attached, and drawing can commence, according to the Android docs. 根据Android文档,我本来以为这是可行的,因为显然已经将其连接起来,并且可以开始绘制了。

Here is my Activity code: 这是我的活动代码:

public override void OnAttachedToWindow()

    var decorView = Window.DecorView;
    var rect = new Rect();


    // rect is now 0

    var lp = (WindowManagerLayoutParams)decorView.LayoutParameters;

    // change some stuff...

    WindowManager.UpdateViewLayout(decorView, lp);

The docs actually state this about OnAttachedToWindow() : 文档实际上声明了有关OnAttachedToWindow()

...it may be called any time before the first onDraw -- including before or after onMeasure(int, int). ...可以在第一个onDraw之前的任何时间调用-包括在onMeasure(int,int)之前或之后。

That's why I wouldn't really rely on OnAttachedToWindow()/OnDetachedToWindow() being in sync with neither OnMeasure() or OnLayout() . 这就是为什么我不会真正依赖OnAttachedToWindow()/OnDetachedToWindow()OnMeasure()OnLayout()都不同步的OnLayout()

Is it an idea to override OnSizeChanged() method to know when it's measured and apply what you want in there? 重写OnSizeChanged()方法以知道何时对其进行测量并在其中应用所需的想法吗?

Reference: OnSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) 参考: OnSizeChanged(int w,int h,int oldw,int oldh)

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