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[英]Is there any way that I can only show the hovered line in tooltip (Recharts)?

I have tried using customized tooltip but my problem was I don't know how to get the index of the payload that is hovered. 我尝试使用自定义工具提示,但我的问题是我不知道如何获取悬停的有效负载的索引。 What I want is to show only the value of the hovered line in the tooltip. 我想要的是只显示工具提示中悬停线的值。 For example, I hovered over the value 1 line so I only want to show in the tooltip the value 1 only. 例如,我在值1行上方盘旋,所以我只想在工具提示中显示值1。

So here is the image 所以这是图像


Here is my code although I have deleted the Customized Tooltip: 这是我的代码,虽然我删除了自定义工具提示:

    export default class LineChartPresentational extends React.Component {
      constructor(props) {
      this.state = {
          clickedLineid: '' }}

      changeStrokeclick(data) {
         console.log(data, 'see what is coming');
         this.setState({clickedLineID: data} ) }

      render() {
         return ( 
            <div id="lclastdataref" style={{ textAlign: 'right' }}>
            <span>Last Data Refresh: {linechartdf.date} </span>
            <div className='line-charts'>
            <div className="line-chart-wrapper " style={{ width: window.innerWidth / 2, height: window.innerHeight / 2, }}>

            width={width} height={height} margin={{ top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 20 }} data={linechartdata} id="Line-Chart">
            <XAxis dataKey={xAxisColumn} />
            <YAxis domain={['auto', 'auto']} />
            <Tooltip cursor={false} />
              linechartdata.map((entry, index) => (
                <Line stroke={index === this.state.clickedLineID ? "#2d75ed" : "#9da0a5"} onClick={this.changeStrokeclick.bind(this, index)} name={linechartdata[index].dataKey} strokeWidth={lineThickness} dataKey={`value${index + 1}`} dot={false} className={`value${index + 1}`}/>

  </div> ); }}

Please I really need your help. 我真的需要你的帮助。 Thanks! 谢谢!

Custom Tooltip is your option to do this. 自定义工具提示是您执行此操作的选项。

<Tooltip content={this.customTooltipOnYourLine}/>

Here customTooltipOnYourLine is your method to return custom tooltip 这里customTooltipOnYourLine是返回自定义工具提示的方法

        if (e.active && e.payload!=null && e.payload[0]!=null) {
              return (<div className="custom-tooltip">
                    <p>{e.payload[0].payload["Column Name"]}</p>
           return "";

Check this link for more info Recharts Tooltip 查看此链接以获取更多信息Recharts Tooltip

Edit 编辑

Check this answer 检查这个答案

Answer2 ANSWER2

Using below logic you can achieve individual tool-tip for each dot. 使用以下逻辑,您可以为每个点实现单独的工具提示。

Demo Link: Line chart with custom Tooltip 演示链接: 带有自定义工具提示的折线图

  1. Hide default Tooltip 隐藏默认工具提示

  2. Add mouse event function on Line (when dot is active) 在Line上添加鼠标事件功能(当点处于活动状态时)

     <Line activeDot={{ onMouseOver: this.showToolTip, onMouseLeave: this.hideToolTip }} .... /> 
  3. custom tooltip div 自定义工具提示div

      <div className="ui-chart-tooltip" ref={ref => (this.tooltip = ref)} > <div className="ui-chart-tooltip-content" /> </div> 
  4. showToolTip and hideTooltip Function showToolTip和hideTooltip函数

      showToolTip = (e) => { let x = Math.round(e.cx); let y = Math.round(e.cy); this.tooltip.style.opacity = "1"; this.tooltip.childNode[0].innerHTML = e.payload["value"]; }; hideTooltip = e => { this.tooltip.style.opacity = "0"; }; 

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