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在AWS Lambda Python函数中解析CloudWatch警报

[英]Parse a CloudWatch alert in AWS Lambda Python function

I'm working on Lambda function that will perform several actions based on CloudWatch alerts. 我正在使用Lambda函数,该函数将基于CloudWatch警报执行一些操作。

The JSON format of the alerts is: 警报的JSON格式为:

    'SignatureVersion': '1',
    'Timestamp': '2018-03-08T16: 06: 27.163Z',
    'MessageId': 'df82d564-1651-5dc6-a37a-867f779226ec',
    'Message': '{
        "AlarmName": "awsec2-i-08c38bb8af7962797-CPU-Utilization",
        "AlarmDescription": "Created from EC2 Console",
        "AWSAccountId": "111111111111",
        "NewStateValue": "ALARM",
        "NewStateReason": "Threshold Crossed: 1 datapoint [1.49999999999939 (08/03/18 16:04:00)] was greater than or equal to the threshold (1.0).",
        "StateChangeTime": "2018-03-08T16:06:27.124+0000",
        "Region": "EU (Ireland)",
        "OldStateValue": "OK",
        "Trigger": {
            "MetricName": "CPUUtilization",
            "Namespace": "AWS/EC2",
            "StatisticType": "Statistic",
            "Statistic": "AVERAGE",
            "Unit": null,
            "Dimensions": [
                    "name": "InstanceId",
                    "value": "i-08c38bb8af7962797"
            "Period": 60,
            "EvaluationPeriods": 1,
            "ComparisonOperator": "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold",
            "Threshold": 1.0,
            "TreatMissingData": "",
            "EvaluateLowSampleCountPercentile": ""
    'Type': 'Notification',
    'TopicArn': 'arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1: 11111111111:test',
    'Subject': 'ALARM: "awsec2-i-08c38bb8af7962797-CPU-Utilization" in EU (Ireland)'

What I need to understand is how I tell my function to extract only the InstanceId value and use it as variable for the rest of the function. 我需要了解的是如何告诉我的函数仅提取InstanceId值,并将其用作该函数其余部分的变量。

The Message is JSON provided as a string. Message是作为字符串提供的JSON。 To access the contents of the string, you'll need to use the json.loads() function: 要访问字符串的内容,您需要使用json.loads()函数:

import json

alert = ... (from CloudWatch)

message = json.loads(alert['Message'])

[msg['value'] for msg in message['Trigger']['Dimensions'] if msg['name']=='InstanceId']

However, please note that this will merely output the InstanceId that was provided as the Dimension for the alarm. 但是,请注意,这只会输出作为警报的维度提供的InstanceId It is not specifically saying that this instance caused the alarm (but that is true). 并不是专门说这个实例引起了警报(但这是事实)。

For example, you could create an alarm based on a group of EC2 instances. 例如,您可以基于一 EC2实例创建警报。 If the average CPU went above a threshold, the alarm would be triggered. 如果平均CPU超过阈值,则会触发警报。 However, the dimension would relate to the group , not a specific instance. 但是,维将与组有关 ,而不是特定实例。

Think of it as saying "The Alarm with a filter of Instance i-xxx has been triggered" , as opposed to saying "Instance i-xxx triggered the alarm" . 可以认为它是说“已触发实例i-xxx筛选器的警报” ,而不是说“实例i-xxx触发了警报”

As long as your alarm is always based on a single instance, then the Dimension will be what you expect. 只要您的警报始终基于单个实例,那么维度将是您期望的。

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