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[英]Difference between a distributed and a decentralized network

I thought I knew the difference but now I got myself a little bit confused and I'm not sure anymore. 我以为我知道区别,但是现在我有点困惑了,我不确定了。 So I thought I could ask you. 所以我想我可以问你。 Can a distributed network be centralized and also de-centralized? 分布式网络是否可以集中化也可以分散化? Or does a distributed network always means that there is no central node? 还是分布式网络始终意味着没有中央节点? I thought that a distributed network is also decentralized but after research I doubt that now. 我以为分布式网络也是分散的,但是经过研究,我现在对此表示怀疑。

I hope someone can help me thank you! 希望有人可以帮我谢谢!

First take a look at this description about distributed system: 首先看一下有关分布式系统的描述:

A distributed system is a network that consists of autonomous computers that are connected using a distribution middleware. 分布式系统是由自主计算机组成的网络,这些自主计算机使用分布式中间件连接。 They help in sharing different resources and capabilities to provide users with a single and integrated coherent network. 它们有助于共享不同的资源和功能,从而为用户提供单个集成的一致网络。 ( Distributed System ) 分布式系统

And also this, about decentralized system: 还有关于分散系统的内容:

"A decentralized system is one which requires multiple parties to make their own independent decisions" In such a decentralized system, there is no single centralized authority that makes decisions on behalf of all the parties. “一个分散的系统是一个需要多方做出自己独立决定的系统”。在这样一个分散的系统中,没有一个集中的机构可以代表所有各方进行决策。 Instead each party, also called a peer, makes local autonomous decisions towards its individual goals which may possibly conflict with those of other peers. 相反,各方(也称为对等方)朝着其各自的目标做出本地自治决策,这可能与其他对等方的目标发生冲突。 Peers directly interact with each other and share information or provide service to other peers. 对等方之间直接进行交互并共享信息或向其他对等方提供服务。 ( Decentralization ) 权力下放

But let me provide a simple example. 但让我提供一个简单的例子。

A distributed chat system has several servers. 分布式聊天系统具有多个服务器。 Each client connects to one of these servers and servers then pass data between each other to give a proper result to the user and also deliver the message to another user (who btw is also connected to this distributed system). 每个客户端连接到这些服务器之一,然后服务器之间相互传递数据,以向用户提供适当的结果,并将消息传递给另一个用户(btw也连接到该分布式系统)。 So this could easily be done with a single server, but what about the load balancing and resources? 因此,只需一台服务器即可轻松完成此任务,但是负载平衡和资源又如何呢? Few reason we go for distributed designs are 我们选择分布式设计的原因很少

  1. resource sharing 资源共享
  2. scalability 可扩展性
  3. high-availability 高可用性

While in same example, a chat system that is decentralized, relies on its own users to make peer to peer connections to each other and then send message. 在同一示例中,分散的聊天系统依赖于其自己的用户彼此建立对等连接,然后发送消息。 Each node has all the logic to serve the messaging service and to send messages. 每个节点都具有服务消息传递服务和发送消息的所有逻辑。 There is no middle-ware in charge of delivering messages or persisting them. 没有中间件负责传递消息或保留消息。

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