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[英]Trying to submit iron-form polymer 2 - Cannot read property 'submit' of null

I'm not able to submit my iron-form. 我无法提交我的铁表。 At this point I just need to see the content in the console, but when trying to submit the form i'm only getting error-msg: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'submit' of null. 此时,我只需要在控制台中查看内容,但是当尝试提交表单时,我只会得到error-msg:Uncaught TypeError:无法读取null的'submit'属性。 I've probably missed something obvious. 我可能错过了一些显而易见的事情。 I've been using the page: https://www.webcomponents.org/element/PolymerElements/iron-form 我一直在使用以下页面: https : //www.webcomponents.org/element/PolymerElements/iron-form

<iron-form id="sizeForm">
        <form method="post" action="">
            <paper-dropdown-menu label="Choose type" on-iron-select="_typeSelected">
                <paper-listbox slot="dropdown-content">
                    <paper-item value="Sneakers">Sneakers</paper-item>
                    <paper-item value="Shoes">Shoes</paper-item>
                    <paper-item value="T-shirts">T-shirts</paper-item>
                    <paper-item value="Jeans">Jeans</paper-item>
            <add-sneakers hidden$="{{hideSneakers}}"></add-sneakers>
            <paper-button onclick="{{_submitForm}}">Accept</paper-button>
            <div class="output"></div>

    _submitForm() {

Change 更改

<paper-button onclick="{{_submitForm}}">Accept</paper-button>


<paper-button on-tap="_submitForm">Accept</paper-button>

or 要么

<button onclick="_submitForm()">Accept</button>

Also, it seems the iron-form docs got it wrong: document.getElementById('sizeForm').submit() works with a button but not a paper-button . 而且,似乎iron-form文档会弄错了: document.getElementById('sizeForm').submit()使用button但不使用paper-button this.$.sizeForm.submit() works with either. this.$.sizeForm.submit()使用。 (I'll explore this more, and may submit a pull request on it.) (我将对此进行更多的探讨,并可能对此提交拉取请求。)

See this pen for an example. 有关示例,请参见此笔

You need to give the id attribute to the form according to what you have on the javascript. 您需要根据javascript的内容为表单赋予id属性。

<form id="form_name" method="post" action="">

and correct it on the javascript, since the id that you are using on your example is (already) defined before. 并在javascript上对其进行更正,因为您之前在示例中使用的ID已(已经)定义。


So, bottom line, you need to add the id in the form and correct it on the js code. 因此,最重要的是,您需要在表单中 添加 id并在js代码上对其进行更正。

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