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如何从树莓派上卸载Google Assistant?

[英]How do I uninstall google assistant from raspberry pi?

I have a question regarding how to uninstall google assistant on the raspberry pi 3. The files are scattered over the place so deleting is not an option. 我有一个关于如何在raspberry pi 3上卸载Google Assistant的问题。文件分散在该位置,因此无法删除。 Is there any command to uninstall google assistant on the raspberry pi? 是否有任何命令可以在树莓派上卸载Google Assistant? I am using the google assistant SDK. 我正在使用Google Assistant SDK。

You should be able to run pip uninstall google-assistant-sdk to remove the libraries downloaded. 您应该可以运行pip uninstall google-assistant-sdk来删除下载的库。 There may be a few config files as well located in ~/.config/google-assistant-* that you can remove. ~/.config/google-assistant-*中可能也有一些配置文件可以删除。

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