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[英]How to multi-select option from dropdown

I have one input box and besides that, I have on image. 我有一个输入框,除此之外,我还有图像。 After clicking on image, I am opening one drop-down there with some options which is coming from controller. 单击图像后,我将在其中打开一个下拉菜单,其中包含一些来自控制器的选项。 If I select something from drop-down, it is going to enter in text-box. 如果我从下拉菜单中选择某项,它将在文本框中输入。 Like that we can insert multiple option from drop-down with comma separated one. 这样,我们可以从下拉菜单中插入多个选项,并以逗号分隔。 I am able to enter single selected option from drop-down to text-box. 我可以从下拉菜单到文本框输入单个选择的选项。

I need help is : 我需要帮助的是:

  1. How to multiselect options and enter in textbox 如何多选选项并在文本框中输入
  2. How to avoid duplication option selection while entering. 输入时如何避免选择重复选项。

This is all I need to do in Angular js. 这是我在Angular js中需要做的所有事情。

Below is my controller: 以下是我的控制器:

              $scope.onDropDdownChange = function (dropdownFieldName, textFiledName,splitSelItem) {
                    let rpInfo = $scope.restrictedPartyInfo;
                    let selItem = rpInfo[dropdownFieldName] ? (splitSelItem ? (rpInfo[dropdownFieldName]).split("-")[0] : rpInfo[dropdownFieldName]) : '';
                    if(rpInfo[textFiledName]) {
                        var isExist = rpInfo[textFiledName].indexOf(selItem);                           
                            rpInfo[textFiledName] += ',' + selItem;                         
                    } else {
                        rpInfo[textFiledName] = selItem;

And below is my HTML Part: 下面是我的HTML部分:

            <td width="10%" class="gridInfoAddEditTableData">Customer Types*</td>
                <td width="9%" class="gridInfoAddEditTableData">                    
                    <img id="followbutton" ng-src="{{followButtonImg}}" alt="Show Hide"
                    ng-click="ShowHideCusttyp();toggleImageCustTyp()"  ng-model="restrictedPartyInfo.ShowHideCusttyp">
                    <input type="text" id="customertypes" style="width:54%" ng-click="ShowHideCusttyp();"

          <td align="center" class="gridInfoAddEditTableData">              
                 <select  multiple ng-show = "Visible" name="customerTypess"  ng-change="ShowHideCusttyp();onDropDdownChange('customerTypes','customerType',false);"
                style="position: relative; align: center; top: 1px; left: 245%; width: 150%; height: 65px;"
                ng-init="customerTypess ='val_customerTypess'" >
                    <option ng-repeat="custtyp in customerTypes" value="{{custtyp.clientTypeCode}}">{{custtyp.clientTypeCode}} – {{custtyp.clientDescription}}</option>

For 1. Use Multiple tag of html , You have to use Ctrl + mouse click https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_select_multiple and you will get array of selected data which use can show in Comma Seprated Way 对于1.使用html的多个标记,您必须使用Ctrl +鼠标单击https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_select_multiple ,您将获得所选数据的数组,这些数组可以使用逗号显示分隔方式

For 2. Use can use loop after selection of multiple data from dropdown You can restrict during Selection like if already in array then remove, NG-change may help Remove duplicate data coming from Server :) 对于2。在从下拉列表中选择多个数据后,Use可以使用循环。您可以在Selection期间进行限制,例如是否已经在数组中然后进行删除,NG更改可能会帮助删除来自Server的重复数据:)

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