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[英]angular2 - clear input field value after click

I have problem with reseting my input values. 我在重置输入值时遇到问题。 I have search bar with filter functions. 我有带有过滤器功能的搜索栏。 When i write some value it shows me list under it and i want to add function to this anchors, when i click some of them it routes me to another component and i want to clear the input value. 当我写一些值时,它会向我显示其下的列表,我想向该锚点添加功能,当我单击其中的一些锚点时,它会将我路由到另一个组件,并且我想清除输入值。

My code: 我的代码:

<div class="form">
            <input #query (keyup)="filter(query.value)" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search...">
            <ng-container *ngIf="query.value">
              <div *ngFor="let f of filteredProducts">
                <a (click)="!query.value" [routerLink]="['/product-details/', f.category , f.$key]">{{ f.name }}</a>

i've tried to set this value to null or '' like: 我试图将此值设置为null或”,例如:

(click)="query.value = ''"

https://plnkr.co/edit/dyCp5ZMKOkZvcsw4F8og?p=preview check out this link and use ngmodal and set value to null https://plnkr.co/edit/dyCp5ZMKOkZvcsw4F8og?p=preview检查此链接并使用ngmodal并将值设置为null

  <input type="text" placeholder="Search..."  [(ngModel)]="searchValue">
  <button (click)="clearSearch()">Clear</button>

     export class App {
      searchValue:string = '';
     clearSearch() {
     this.searchValue = null;


<div class="form">
        <input #query (keyup)="filter(query.value)" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search...">
        <ng-container *ngIf="query.value">
          <div *ngFor="let f of filteredProducts">
            <a href="javascript:void(0)" (click)='myfun(f)'>{{ f.name }}</a>

In class add 在课堂上添加

@ViewChild("query") input: ElementRef;

myfun(f) {

this.input.nativeElement.value = "";
this.router.navigate(['/product-details/', f.category , f.$key]");

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