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React Native Firebase仅获取一个数据

[英]React Native Firebase Fetching Only One Data

How can I fetch only one data and write it to Header ? 如何仅获取一个数据并将其写入Header?
I am using firebase and react-redux. 我正在使用Firebase和react-redux。

firebase structure i try to write " organization ": inovanka: 我尝试写的firebase结构“ organization ”:inovanka: 我尝试写“ ** organization **”的firebase结构:inovanka

Action File Codes: 动作文件代码:

import firebase from 'firebase';
import { Actions } from 'react-native-router-flux';
import { ORGANIZATION_NAME_DATA_SUCCESS } from './types';

 export const organizationName = () => {
    const { currentUser } = firebase.auth();
      return (dispatch) => {
          .on('value', snapshot => {
            dispatch({ type: ORGANIZATION_NAME_DATA_SUCCESS, payload: snapshot.val() });

Reducer File : 减速器文件:

import { ORGANIZATION_NAME_DATA_SUCCESS } from '../actions/types';



export default (state = INITIAL_STATE, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
      console.log(action); // data retrieved as array
      return action.payload
      return state;

Component: (I would like to write it to this) 组件:(我想写成这个)

    class HomePage extends Component {

      componentWillMount() { 

      render() {
        return (
              <Text> i would like to write it here </Text>


    const mapStateToProps = ({ homepageResponse }) => {
      const organizationArray = _.map(homepageResponse, (val, uid) => {
        return { ...val, uid }; //
      return { organizationArray };

    export default connect(mapStateToProps, { organizationName })(HomePage);

Change this: 更改此:

      .on('value', snapshot => {

to this: 对此:

      .once('value', snapshot => {

using once() will read data only one time, thus fetching only one data 使用once()将仅读取一次数据,因此仅获取一个数据

Solution is Here ! 解决方案在这里!

Action File: 动作文件:

export const organizationName = () => {
    const { currentUser } = firebase.auth();
      return (dispatch) => {
        .once('value', snapshot => {
          _.mapValues(snapshot.val(), o => {
          dispatch({ type: ORGANIZATION_NAME_DATA_SUCCESS, payload: {organization: o.organization, fullname: o.fullname }});

Reducer File 减速器文件

  organization: '',

export default (state = INITIAL_STATE, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
      return {...state, organization:action.payload.organization };
      return state;

Component File MapToStateProps and componentWillMount 组件文件MapToStateProps和componentWillMount

 const mapStateToProps = state =>  {
    const { organization, fullname  } = state.homepageResponse;
    console.log("burada" + organization);
       return { organization, fullname };


*Last Step Header * *最后一步标题*

render() {
    return (
          <Text>  { this.props.organization } </Text>

Thank You Everyone 谢谢大家

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