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[英]How do I use raw_input with classes in a definition

Problem 问题

I'm writing a script in Python 2.7 that has the user input the atomic symbol for an element. 我正在Python 2.7中编写一个脚本,让用户输入元素的原子符号。 The script then prints out information about the element. 然后,脚本将打印出有关元素的信息。

However, I'm not sure how to have a class use a variable from the raw_input . 但是,我不确定如何让类使用raw_input的变量。 Here is the code with a couple of the 118 elements gone for readability: 以下是具有118个元素以提高可读性的代码:


class PTable(object):
    def __init__(self, name, atom_num, atom_sym, atom_mass,period, group, atom_type,state):
        self.name = name
        self.atom_num = atom_num
        self.atom_sym = atom_sym
        self.atom_mass = atom_mass
        self.period = period
        self.group = group
        self.atom_type = atom_type
        self.state = state

h = PTable("Hydrogen",1,"H",1.0079,1,1,"Nonmetal","Gas")
he = PTable("Helium",2,"He",4.0026,1,18,"Nonmetal","Gas")
li = PTable("Lithium",3,"Li",6.941,2,1,"Alkali metal","Solid")
be = PTable("Beryllium",4,"Be",9.0121831,2,2,"Alkaline earth","solid")
og = PTable("Oganesson",1,"H",1.008,1,1,"Nonmetal","Gas")

def results(name, num, sym, mass, per, gro, typ, state):
    print "Name:", name
    print "Atomic number:", num
    print "Atomic symbol:", sym
    print "Atomic mass:", mass
    print "Period:", per
    print "Group:", gro
    print "Type:", typ
    print "State:", state
# results(h.name, h.atom_num, h.atom_sym, h.atom_mass, h.period, h.group, h.atom_type, h.state)
def hub():
    x = raw_input("What element? ")
    results(%s.name, %s.atom_num, %s.atom_sym, %s.atom_mass, %s.period, %s.group, %s.atom_type, %s.state) % (x)


Errors 失误

The code that gives me the syntax error is: 给我语法错误的代码是:

results(%s.name, %s.atom_num, %s.atom_sym, %s.atom_mass, %s.period, %s.group, %s.atom_type, %s.state) % (x)

The error is obvious; 错误很明显; syntax is wrong, so I tried another way: 语法是错误的,所以我尝试了另一种方法:

results(x.name, x.atom_num, x.atom_sym, x.atom_mass, x.period, x.group, x.atom_type, x.state)

That, too, did not work, and I got the error 那也行不通,我得到了错误

Traceback (most recent call last): 追溯(最近一次通话):

File "C:/Users/NAME/Desktop/PTable.py", line 146, in 文件“ C:/Users/NAME/Desktop/PTable.py”,行146,位于


File "C:/Users/NAME/Desktop/PTable.py", line 143, in hub 集线器中的文件“ C:/Users/NAME/Desktop/PTable.py”,第143行

 results(x.name, x.atom_num, x.atom_sym, x.atom_mass, x.period, x.group, x.atom_type, x.state) 

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'name' AttributeError:“ str”对象没有属性“ name”


Do you know how I can make it so the user is able to type in the name of the element (the atomic symbol) and the code prints out the information? 您知道我该怎么做,以便用户能够键入元素的名称(原子符号),然后代码将信息打印出来?

Recovering an element 恢复元素

The line x = raw_input("What element? ") provides you with a string, say 'he' , so when you call x.name you are attempting to access an attribute of that string and not of the variable he . x = raw_input("What element? ")您提供了一个字符串,说'he' ,因此,当您调用x.name您尝试访问的是该字符串的属性,而不是变量he的属性。

What you should do is store your elements in a dictionary instead of having them as variables and access them with the key provided by your user. 您应该做的是将元素存储在字典中,而不是将它们作为变量并使用用户提供的键来访问它们。

periodic_table = {
    'h': PTable("Hydrogen",1,"H",1.0079,1,1,"Nonmetal","Gas"),
    'he': PTable("Helium",2,"He",4.0026,1,18,"Nonmetal","Gas"),

symbol = raw_input("What element? ")

    element = periodic_table[symbol]

except KeyError:
    print('This element does not exist')

Printing the element 打印元素

As for printing the element, I would suggest a more object-oriented approach by implementing the PTable.__str__ method. 至于打印元素,我将通过实现PTable.__str__方法来建议一种更加面向对象的方法。

class PTable(object):


    def __str__(self):
        # Add in the format and information that you want to be printed
        return "Name: {}".format(self.name)

You can then directly print your elements. 然后,您可以直接打印您的元素。

print periodic_table['he']
# prints: 'Name: Helium'

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