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[英]React.js - Controlled input toLocaleString()

I want to get a string of numbers and add commas to create a more readable format for a long number. 我想获取一串数字并添加逗号以为长号创建更具可读性的格式。 Normally I'd use toLocaleString() but it's not working as expected with a controlled input. 通常我会使用toLocaleString()但是在受控输入下它无法正常工作。

In my code I'm doing: 在我的代码中,我正在做:

  handleChange(event) {
    const parseNumber = parseInt(event.target.value);
    const toLocale = parseNumber.toLocaleString();
    this.setState({ value: toLocale });

It's resetting the field after 3 numbers are entered - any ideas? 输入3个数字后,它将重置该字段-有什么想法吗?

https://codesandbox.io/s/91q75k22mo https://codesandbox.io/s/91q75k22mo

Working solution - in your handleChange function, change this: 工作解决方案-在您的handleChange函数中,更改以下内容:

const toNumber = Number(event.target.value);

to this: 对此:

const toNumber = Number(event.target.value.replace(/\D/g, ''));

The reason it wasn't working was because it was creating a Number based on the input value, which isn't a plain number but a formatted string. 它不起作用的原因是因为它基于输入值创建了一个Number ,它不是纯数字,而是带格式的字符串。 Hence it contains non-digit characters. 因此,它包含非数字字符。 The above just removes the non-digit characters (though now you know the issue there are other ways you could solve it). 上面的代码只是删除了非数字字符(尽管现在您知道了这个问题,还有其他方法可以解决)。

You can use FormattedNumber from react-intl . 您可以使用react-intl FormattedNumber The documentation is available here: https://github.com/yahoo/react-intl/wiki/Components#number-formatting-components 该文档位于此处: https : //github.com/yahoo/react-intl/wiki/Components#number-formatting-components

A sample: 一个样品:

<IntlProvider locale='en'>
  <FormattedNumber value={examples.negativeNumber} />

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