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[英]Time and space complexity of divide and conquer k-way-merge algorithm

Given that A is an array of k arrays. 假设A是k个数组的数组。 Each inner array is sorted and contains m elements. 每个内部数组都已排序并包含m个元素。

Given this algorithm for merging K-sorted arrays held in A: 给定用于合并A中保存的K个排序数组的算法:

// A is array of sorted arrays  
1.  if A.length == 1
2.      return first element of A
3.  half = length[A] / 2
4.  firstHalfArray = new array[half][m];
5.  secondHalfArray = new array[half][m];
6.  for (i = 0; i < half; i++)
7.      do firstHalfArray[i] = A[i];
8.  for (i = half; i < length[A]; i++)
9.      do secondHalfArray[i] = A[i];
10. secondHalfArray = Copy second half arrays from A
11. a = K-arrays-merge(firstHalfArray)
12. b = K-arrays-merge(secondHalfArray)
13. return merge(a,b) // This is a merge between two sorted arrays with time complexity of O(n)

Why is the time comelexity of this algorithm is O(m*klogk)? 为什么该算法的时间复杂度为O(m * klogk)?

My first thought is that the recursive method runs logk times, in each round copying the arrays is O(m * k) and the merge-sort is O(mi log (mi)) where 1 <= i <= logk 我的第一个想法是递归方法运行logk次,在每一轮中,数组复制为O(m * k),合并排序为O(mi log(mi)),其中1 <= i <= logk

When looking at the divide and conquer steps: 查看分而治之的步骤:

  1. Divide - calculating the middle point is O(1), copying the arrays is O(mk) 除法-计算中间点为O(1),复制数组为O(mk)
  2. Conquer - 2T(k/2) - The recursive calls. 征服-2T(k / 2)-递归调用。
  3. Merge - merge sort with complexity of O(mi log (mi)) where 1 <= i <= logk . 合并-合并排序,复杂度为O(mi log(mi)),其中1 <= i <= logk

I do not know how to calculate the time complexity from this. 我不知道如何从中计算时间复杂度。 Also what would be the space complexity for this algorithm? 另外,该算法的空间复杂度是多少?

If we suupose n = mk , time complexity would be T(k) = 2T(k/2) + n + n . 如果我们使n = mk合适,则时间复杂度将为T(k) = 2T(k/2) + n + n n for array copy, n for merging and 2T(k/2) for recursive call. n用于数组复制, n用于合并, 2T(k/2)用于递归调用。 Hence, time complexity of the algorithm is O(nlog k) = O(mk log(k)) . 因此,算法的时间复杂度为O(nlog k) = O(mk log(k))

As each time all values of the array copied and stored in the stack, and the depth of stack is O(log k) , space complexity would be O(n log k) = O(mk log k) . 每次数组的所有值都复制并存储在堆栈中,并且堆栈深度为O(log k) ,空间复杂度将为O(n log k) = O(mk log k)

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