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Excel VBA:如何对具有可变行的Sum公式进行编码以放入工作表

[英]Excel VBA: how to code a Sum formula with variable rows to put in a worksheet

I want to put a Sum formula in a row of a table, in columns C to H, but the code I've come up with somehow doesn't work. 我想将Sum公式放在表格的C到H列中,但是我想出的代码不起作用。 The situation is as follows: 情况如下:

  1. the number of the 1st row of the table varies (the 1st column is always B) 该表的第一行的编号有所不同(第一列始终为B)
  2. the number of the 1st row in the formula varies, but is always the 3rd row of the table 公式中第一行的数量有所不同,但始终是表的第三行
  3. the number of the row that should contain the formula varies, but in the macro I calculate that number relative to the 1st row of the table 应该包含该公式的行数有所不同,但是在宏中,我相对于表的第一行计算了该数
  4. the number of the last row in the formula varies, but is always 1 less than the number of the row that should contain the formula 公式中的最后一行的数量有所不同,但始终比应包含公式的行的数量少1

To be more specific and hopefully more clear, let's say that: 为了更具体,希望更清楚,让我们说:

  1. the number of the first row of the table = startnum 表第一行的数量= startnum
  2. then the number of the 1st row in the formula = startnum+3 那么公式中第一行的编号= startnum + 3
  3. the number of the row that should contain the formula = startnum+x 应该包含公式= startnum + x的行号
  4. then the number of the last row in the formula = startnum+x-1 然后公式中的最后一行的编号= startnum + x-1

Trying to find out what my code could be, I recorded a macro. 为了找出我的代码是什么,我记录了一个宏。 Based on that I have tested the following code: 基于此,我测试了以下代码:

With Worksheets("A&N")
    .Range("C16:H16").Formula = "=SUM(C7:C15)"
End With

This works fine, but as I've described, the numbers 16, 7 and 15 are actually variable. 这很好用,但是正如我所描述的,数字16、7和15实际上是可变的。

I've tried to translate this code to my situation, and made this code: 我尝试将这段代码转换为我的情况,并编写了以下代码:

Set rngOpmaak = Range(rngTabel.Cells(startnum + x, 2), rngTabel.Cells(startnum + x, 7)) 
rngOpmaak.Formula = "=SUM(“C” & startnum + 3 & “:C” & startnum + x -1)"

When I run the macro I get the message that the second line can't be compiled. 当我运行宏时,我收到一条消息,提示第二行不能编译。 I've seen solutions on this site that to me look exactly like my code, so I don't understand what's wrong with mine. 我在该站点上看到的解决方案对我来说看起来就像我的代码一样,所以我不理解我的问题所在。

I've also tried: 我也尝试过:

rngOpmaak.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R" & startnum + 3 & "C:R" & startnum + x -1 & "C)"

But with startnum=2 (1st row of the table) the formula becomes =SUM(C$3:C$5) to =SUM(H$3:H$5) (without the quotations) instead of =SUM(C4:C6) to =SUM(H4:H6) . 但是对于startnum=2 (表的第一行),公式将=SUM(C$3:C$5)变为=SUM(H$3:H$5) (不带引号),而不是=SUM(C4:C6)变为=SUM(H4:H6)

Can anyone help me with what the line of code should be? 谁能帮助我解决代码行问题? All suggestions are much appreciated. 所有建议,不胜感激。

You'll need to adjust this to your situation, as I didn't use the same variables you did (preferring more expressive ones): 您需要根据自己的情况进行调整,因为我没有使用与您相同的变量(最好使用更具表现力的变量):

Sub test()
    Dim output As Range, dataStart As Integer, dataEnd As Integer, rowsOfData As Integer, nCols As Integer
    ' Row 1: Table headers
    ' Row 2: 1st row of data
    ' Row 3: more data
    ' Row 4: more data
    ' Row 5: last row of data
    ' Row 6: Summary row (location of formula)
    dataStart = 2
    dataEnd = 5
    rowsOfData = 1 + dataEnd - dataStart
    nCols = 4
    Set output = Range(Cells(dataEnd + 1, 1), Cells(dataEnd + 1, nCols))
    output.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[-" & rowsOfData & "]C:R[-1]C)"
End Sub

The generated formula uses relative references, as it was given offsets ( [] ) from the current cell, rather than absolute R/C values, eg 所生成的公式使用相对引用,因为它相对于当前单元格有偏移量( [] ),而不是绝对R / C值,例如
R2C:R5C -> A$2:A$5 no matter where in column A the formula is entered R2C:R5C -> A$2:A$5 不管在A列中的哪个位置输入公式
R[-4]C:R[-1] -> A2:A5 if the formula is entered in A6 . 如果在A6中输入了公式,则 R[-4]C:R[-1] -> A2:A5

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