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[英]onUpgrade and onCreate not being called after changing android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper to net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteOpenHelper

I have been following the official documentation in order to start using SQLCipher Community Edition in the apps I´m developing. 我一直在遵循官方文档 ,以便在我正在开发的应用程序中开始使用SQLCipher Community Edition。 So, I made a proper gradle import as following: 因此,我进行了适当的gradle导入,如下所示:

compile 'net.zetetic:android-database-sqlcipher:3.5.9@aar'

I added the 我添加了

public void onCreate() {

in the MainApplication.java. 在MainApplication.java中。 As my apps are already released, I have placed as well some migration code in onUpgrade() method in my instance of SQLiteOpenHelper class. 由于我的应用程序已经发布,因此我还在SQLiteOpenHelper类的实例的onUpgrade()方法中放置了一些迁移代码。 Unfortunately, although I upgraded the DB version number, I do the call: getInstance().getReadableDatabase("testKey"); 不幸的是,尽管我升级了数据库版本号,但我还是打电话: getInstance().getReadableDatabase("testKey"); neither onUpgrade(), nor onCreate() methods won´t be called. onUpgrade()和onCreate()方法都不会被调用。 Did I miss something in the configuration? 我是否错过了配置中的某些内容?

Like you are using the cipher for the first time in a previously non-ciphered database, then I recommend you to force that the database to be re-created. 就像您在以前未加密的数据库中第一次使用密码一样,我建议您强制重新创建数据库。

To do that, you can simply change your database name in your DatabaseHelper class. 为此,您只需在DatabaseHelper类中更改数据库名称即可。 Once you change the database name, when your device updates the onCreate() will trigger and it will create all your database from zero. 更改数据库名称后,设备更新时会触发onCreate(),它将从零开始创建所有数据库。

public class YourDatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

   public final static String DATABASE_NAME = Constants.DATABASE_NAME; // Change the name to force the database to be created from zero.
   public final static int CURRENT_VERSION = Constants.DATABASE_VERSION_INT;

   public DatabaseHelper(Context context){
       super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, CURRENT_VERSION);        

   public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db){
       // Create all your tables.

   public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion){
       // No need to do anything in here, because onCreate will be triggered.


Finally I found the solution for the problem. 最后,我找到了解决问题的方法。 Instead of calling the migration functionality inside the onUpgrade() method, I added the migration code before the database is queried for the first time (after opening the app): 我没有在onUpgrade()方法中调用迁移功能,而是在首次查询数据库之前(在打开应用程序之后)添加了迁移代码:

public static void encrypt(Context ctxt, File originalFile, char[] 
throws IOException {

if (originalFile.exists()) {
  File newFile=
  File.createTempFile("sqlcipherutils", "tmp", ctxt.getCacheDir());
   SQLiteDatabase db=
   SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(originalFile.getAbsolutePath(), "", null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);

   db.rawExecSQL("ATTACH DATABASE '" + newFile.getAbsolutePath()+ "' AS encrypted KEY '"+String.valueOf(passphrase)+"'");
   db.rawExecSQL("SELECT sqlcipher_export('encrypted')");
   db.rawExecSQL("DETACH DATABASE encrypted");

   int version=db.getVersion();


    db=SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(newFile.getAbsolutePath(), passphrase, null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);


I took the solution from this source . 我从这个来源获得了解决方案。 Thanks for the author, whoever he is! 感谢作者,无论他是谁!

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