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测试Angular 1服务

[英]Testing Angular 1 service

I am working on an Angular 1 project where I am setting up unit testing. 我正在Angular 1项目中进行单元测试。 So, There is a service that I need to test, its name is "appSecurity". 因此,有一项我需要测试的服务,其名称为“ appSecurity”。 The methods in this service use pre-loaded user data coming from service named "userService". 该服务中的方法使用来自名为“ userService”的服务的预加载用户数据。 "appSecurity" service simply references this user data from userService to take appropriate security decisions. “ appSecurity”服务只是从userService引用此用户数据以做出适当的安全性决定。

Below is a part appSecurity service for better understanding: 以下是appSecurity服务的一部分,可让您更好地理解:

function appSecurity($log, $http, $state, $q, localStorageService, userService, grcRoutes, appRolesConstant, controlAssessmentService) {
    appSecurity.routeToErrorPageIfNotFullAccessRoleInCM = function () {
        var controlRegisterRoles = _.find(userService.currentUser.controlRegisterUsers, function (controlRegisterUser) {
        var controlRegisterUserRole = controlRegisterUser.applicationRoles[0];
        return controlRegisterUserRole.name === appRolesConstant.FullAccess;

As you can see, this service has many dependencies like $log, $http, $state, $q, localStorageService, userService, grcRoutes, appRolesConstant, controlAssessmentService. 如您所见,此服务具有许多依赖项,例如$ log,$ http,$ state,$ q,localStorageService,userService,grcRoutes,appRolesConstant,controlAssessmentService。 One of them is userService which has preloaded users data. 其中之一是userService,它已预加载了用户数据。

Basically I want to have the ability to inject mocked userService in appSecurity service so that I can test its methods without worrying about its dependencies data. 基本上,我希望能够在appSecurity服务中注入模拟的userService,以便我可以测试其方法而不必担心其依赖项数据。 Below is an example to do the same for a controller. 下面是对控制器执行相同操作的示例。

beforeEach(inject(function($controller) {
  $scope = $rootScope.$new();

  userService = {
    query: function() {
      queryDeferred = $q.defer();
      return {$promise: queryDeferred.promise};

spyOn(userService, 'query').andCallThrough();

// controller injected with mocked service. How can I do the same with a 
//service. In this case I want to instantiate appSecurity service like this 
//with inject mocked userService. 
  $controller('BreakfastCtrl', {
    '$scope': $scope,
    'userService': userService 

The way in which we can create a controller with mocked dependency injections, is there a way to create a service with mocked injections. 我们可以使用模拟的依赖项注入来创建控制器的方式是,有一种方法可以使用模拟的注入项来创建服务。 I tried $service replacing $controller in above code but it didn't work. 我尝试用$ service替换上面代码中的$ controller,但是没有用。

I want to do this, 我想做这个,

$service('appSecurityService', {
   '$scope': $scope,
   'userService': userService 

But $service cannot be found in angular-mocks. 但是在角球中找不到$ service。 Any help is highly appreciated. 非常感谢您的帮助。

Thanks 谢谢

Services and controllers are created at different time, thats why you can not do it like you tried. 服务和控制器是在不同的时间创建的,这就是为什么您不能像尝试的那样去做。 At line beforeEach(inject(function($controller) { services are already created, like $controller - this is also just a service. beforeEach(inject(function($controller) {处已经创建了服务,例如$controller这也只是一个服务。

You should mock services when creating your module: 创建模块时,您应该模拟服务:

beforeEach(angular.mock.module('module', ($provide) => {
                $provide.value(userService, {query: () => {}});

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