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[英]Icon Suggesting Accessibility Functionality

I'm building an 'accessibility bar' that will include functions such as; 我正在构建一个“可访问性栏”,其中将包含以下功能: increase/decrease contrast, text-size, line-spacing etc. 增大/减小对比度,文本大小,行距等。

Is there a default, standard, recommended or well known icon that could be used to show/hide this functionality? 是否有默认,标准,推荐或众所周知的图标可用于显示/隐藏此功能?

I feel like the 'wheelchair' icon: wheelchair accessibility icon doesn't represent web accessibility very well.. 我感觉像“轮椅”图标:“ 轮椅可访问性”图标不能很好地表示网络可访问性。

Can someone suggest any widely adopted alternatives? 有人可以建议任何广泛采用的替代方法吗? What would you use? 你会用什么?

You want an icon associated with some action that will unhide the toolbar? 您是否想要一个与某些操作相关联的图标,以取消隐藏工具栏? There isn't really a common icon for that. 确实没有一个通用的图标。 I agree that you should stay away from the wheelchair. 我同意你应该远离轮椅。 I sometimes have to bump up my font size or increase contrast, especially in very bright areas, like outside in the sun, but I wouldn't look for such a feature under a wheelchair icon because I don't associate myself with that. 有时,我不得不提高字体大小或增加对比度,尤其是在非常明亮的区域,例如在阳光下的户外,但是我不会在轮椅图标下寻找这样的功能,因为我不认同这一点。

The Mac has an "Accessibility" or "Universal Access" icon in system preferences. Mac在系统偏好设置中具有“可访问性”或“通用访问”图标。 It looks like a person with its arms outstretched. 看起来一个人张开双臂。

The PC has "Ease of Access" icon in the control panel. PC在控制面板中具有“轻松访问”图标。 I'm not sure how to describe it. 我不确定如何描述它。 Kind of a pie with 8 pieces, but the two pieces in the north-east corner are missing and are replaced with a down and right arrow forming a right angle. 有点像是8个饼,但东北角的两个饼都丢失了,取而代之的是形成直角的向下和向右箭头。

Neither icon conveys accessibility to me. 这两个图标都无法向我传达辅助功能。 It's just a symbol you have to learn (if you have vision). 这只是您必须学习的符号(如果您有远见)。


I would say, you need to go with the wheelchair symbol if you need a specific symbol. 我会说,如果需要特定的符号,则需要使用轮椅符号。 But put that in a textual context too. 但是也要把它放在文本上。

Like: "Accessibility features" + Symbol 像:“辅助功能” +符号

The wheelchair is not a fresh symbol, but as most people with disabilities agree on is that it's universal and wellknown. 轮椅并不是新鲜的象征,但正如大多数残疾人所同意的那样,轮椅已普及并广为人知。 Taking the accessibility symbols in Mac or Windows is not to recommend. 不建议在Mac或Windows中使用辅助功能符号。

As suggested a settings icon would be an option, but it depends on the context of the site itself. 如建议的那样,可以选择设置图标,但这取决于网站本身的上下文。 Will it interfere with other icons? 会干扰其他图标吗? To avoid confusion, always accompany the icon with text, never rely on visual icons to tell the whole purpose of interaction. 为避免混淆,请始终在图标上加上文字,不要依赖视觉图标来说明交互的整个目的。

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