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[英]vim: copy via regex and paste

I'm looking to write a vim macro (not that I know how yet) eventually, as I'm sure I can do this in vim, but I don't know the basics yet. 我希望最终编写一个vim宏(不是我还不知道),因为我确定我可以在vim中做到这一点,但是我还不了解基本知识。

I want to grab the branch name (or part of it anyway - that part of the regex should be straightforward) from a git commit message, and paste it, with a colon, to the top of the file, and hopefully leave the cursor at the end of that. 我想从git commit消息中获取分支名称(或者仍然是它的一部分-正则表达式的这一部分应该很简单),然后用冒号将其粘贴到文件顶部,并希望将光标放在到此为止。

So the file looks a bit like this when I start: 因此,当我启动时文件看起来像这样:

$ <-- cursor here
# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# On branch JIRA-1234-some-description-here
# Your branch is up to date with ...

I want to capture the /On branch \\([AZ]*-[0-9]*\\)/ , move back up to the top, paste it, and a colon, leaving the cursor after the colon, eg: 我想捕获/On branch \\([AZ]*-[0-9]*\\)/ ,移回顶部,粘贴并添加冒号,将光标留在冒号之后,例如:

JIRA-1234: $ <-- cursor here
# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# On branch JIRA-1234-some-description-here
# Your branch is up to date with ...

Ideally, also leave me in insert mode there. 理想情况下,也让我保持插入模式。

Assuming you are using fugitive.vim you can use fugitive#head() to get the current branch name. 假设您正在使用fugitive.vim ,则可以使用fugitive#head()获取当前的分支名称。 You can probably do something like this (put in vimrc file): 您可能可以执行以下操作(放入vimrc文件中):

augroup MyCommit
    autocmd FileType gitcommit call setline(1, substitute(fugitive#head(), '^\([A-Z]\+-[0-9]\+\).*', '\1: ', ''))
augroup END

Note: I have not tested this in anyway. 注意:无论如何我都没有测试过。

You could use this function: 您可以使用以下功能:

function! MyFunction()                                                      
  g/On branch \([A-Z]*-[0-9]*\)/exe "co0 | 1s/.* \\(.*-\\d\\+\\).*/\\1:/g"
  normal $                                                                  

and then map it: 然后将其映射:

nmap <leader>f :call MyFunction()<cr>                   

Explanation of function: the global command g/{pat}/[cmd] executes the command [cmd] on lines where pattern {pat} matches. 功能说明:全局命令g/{pat}/[cmd]在模式{pat}匹配的行上执行命令[cmd] You've already provided {pat} in your question. 您已经在问题中提供了{pat} Then, to execute more than one command I recommend to use exe . 然后,要执行多个命令,我建议使用exe Here exe copies the matched line to the first line ( co0 ) and performs the replacement ( 1s/.../\\\\1:/g ). 此处exe将匹配的行复制到第一行( co0 )并执行替换( 1s/.../\\\\1:/g )。

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