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[英]Python : Remove everything after a specific character (,)

I have millions of lines inside a file (9GB)(can't opened by Notepad++) and i want to remove all the words after a specific characters.我在一个文件中有数百万行(9GB)(无法通过 Notepad++ 打开),我想删除特定字符后的所有单词。 (,) (,)

Example of line :线路示例:


I want to keep the (data1) and delete everything else.我想保留(data1)并删除其他所有内容。

Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

You can use split on each line to split the line on the first comma and only write out the left part of the split:您可以在每行上使用 split 来拆分第一个逗号上的行,并且只写出拆分的左侧部分:

For example:例如:

with open('input.txt') as infile:
    with open('output.txt','w') as outfile:
        for line in infile.readline():

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