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[英]How to prevent pinch to zoom (on scroll) on safari mobile browser?

I need my web application to behave as a native mobile app. 我需要我的Web应用程序充当本地移动应用程序。 For this I needed to prevent pinch-to-zoom and double tap zooming on all browsers. 为此,我需要防止在所有浏览器上进行捏缩放和双击缩放。 In Chrome and Firefox it was easy: 在Chrome和Firefox中,这很容易:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no" />

On Safari its a challenge. 在Safari上,这是一个挑战。 Here I found how to prevent pinch-to-zoom and to disable double-tap-zoom. 在这里,我找到了如何防止捏缩放和禁用双击缩放。 But when you are scrolling and pinching to zoom, its zooming. 但是,当您滚动并捏以缩放时,它就会缩放。 My question is if there is way to block it also on scrolling? 我的问题是是否还有办法在滚动时阻止它?

Combined with the javascript preventDefault solution in your link; 与您的链接中的javascript preventDefault解决方案结合使用; you can use the following to disable pinch in and out page-wide. 您可以使用以下内容在整个页面上禁用放大和缩小。

body {
  position: fixed;
  overflow: hidden;

And wrap everything inside <body> in a master wrapper with the following CSS 并使用以下CSS将所有内容包装在主包装器的<body>

.mainwrapper {
  width: 100vw;
  height: 100vh;
  overflow-y: scroll;
  -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

    <div id="master_wrap">
    </div> <!-- /master wrapper -->

You in effect disable all body/html level scrolling, and then re-enable scrolling a level below inside the master wrapper, which includes elastic and momentum scrolling. 实际上,您禁用了所有body / html级别的滚动,然后重新启用了在主包装内下方的级别的滚动,其中包括弹性和动量滚动。 When these elements scroll, the pinching is already ignored. 当这些元素滚动时,捏合已被忽略。

Drawbacks 缺点

1 - If you have fixed or absolute elements, then the scrolling becomes very janky. 1-如果您具有fixedabsolute元素,则滚动将变得非常混乱。

2 - There also seems to be a strange bug where-by part of the page will be modified, and pinch becomes available again, if you scroll down from high on the page. 2-似乎还有一个奇怪的错误,如果您从页面的高处向下滚动,则页面的一部分将被修改,并且夹点再次变为可用。 I think it might be related to the vh property and there's probably a JS solution to set the element height/width better. 我认为这可能与vh属性有关,并且可能有一个JS解决方案可以更好地设置元素的高度/宽度。

If you want to ignore all events that can scroll the body content, you can bind a function to the touchmove event that prevents default behavior and stop propagation of the event: 如果要忽略所有可以滚动正文内容的事件,可以将函数绑定到touchmove事件,以防止默认行为并停止事件的传播:

document.body.addEventListener("touchmove", function(event) {
}, false);

In jQuery or similar libraries: 在jQuery或类似的库中:

$(document.body).on("touchmove", function(event) {

Link 链接

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