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[英]Laravel Nesting relationship returns null

I have next db structure: 我有下一个数据库结构:


And I have next code in my Eloquent models: 我的口才模型中还有下一个代码:

Sample.php Sample.php

public function polfzms()
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Polfzm');

Polfzm.php Polfzm.php

public function samples()
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Sample');

public function gene()
    return $this->belongsTo('App\Gene');

Gene.php Gene.php

public function polfzms()
    return $this->hasMany('App\Polfzm');

I try to get sample data with his labels, polfzms and gene using dot in where clause - polfzms.gene 我尝试在where子句中使用点获取带有他的标签,polfzms和基因的样本数据polfzms.gene

public function show($id)
    return Sample::with('labels', 'polfzms.gene')->findOrFail($id);

But I have got a "gene":null 但是我有一个"gene":null


I use latest laravel version. 我使用最新的laravel版本。 How can I fix it? 我该如何解决?

You're getting null for your Gene relation, because you have not explicitly defined a foreign key, nor followed the Eloquent naming convention. 由于没有显式定义外键,也没有遵循Eloquent命名约定,因此您的Gene关系将得到null

Eloquent expects the foreign key to be gene_id , whereas your schema has the foreign key id_gene . gene_id期望外键为gene_id ,而您的架构具有外键id_gene

To fix this, either change your schema to define the foreign key as gene_id , or update your relationship as follows: 要解决此问题,请更改架构以将外键定义为gene_id ,或按如下所示更新关系:

public function gene()
    return $this->belongsTo('App\Gene', 'id_gene');

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