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带有Android Things的RPi3上的WiFi MAC地址在哪里可以找到?

[英]Where can be found WiFi MAC address on RPi3 with Android Things?

在Raspberry Pi 3上连接WiFi(或以太网)网络之前,是否有可能使用Android Things Developer Preview 7在Raspberry Pi 3上找到WiFi(也包括以太网)MAC地址?

I was looking for the solution to your question. 我一直在寻找解决您问题的方法。 This is very important where we are using the Rasberry Pi in an location where the internet connectivity will be provided with a static ip with gateway setup inside the device or registering the device mac address on the firewall settings. 这在我们使用Rasberry Pi的位置上非常重要,在该位置上,Internet连通性将通过静态IP提供,并在设备内部设置网关或在防火墙设置上注册设备MAC地址。

So what to do? 那么该怎么办?

connect the Rasberry Pi to a wifi network where there is no static ip settings required
(Say your mobile phone's hotspot). 

Then you can find the MAC Address of the RPi from the connected devices list.

This will help you. 这将为您提供帮助。

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