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[英]Xamarin Forms AndroidMaifest.xml Camera

If AndroidManifest.xml is generated, how can I add <provider> ? 如果生成了AndroidManifest.xml,如何添加<provider>

All the solutions I see say just add to AndroidManifest ( Xamarin Forms File Provider not set ). 我看到的所有解决方案都只需添加到AndroidManifest中( 未设置Xamarin Forms File Provider )。

intent.PutExtra(MediaStore.ExtraOutput, Uri.FromFile(AppClass._file));

Camera was working, updated android, now program is unhappy. 相机正在工作,已更新android,现在程序不满意。 Solutions say to update AndroidManifest with some version of... 解决方案说用某些版本的AndroidManifest更新...

    android:authorities="${applicationId}.provider"`enter code here`

Ok, there are two AndroidManifest.xml files. 好的,有两个AndroidManifest.xml文件。 Edit the one under Properties->AndroidManifest.xml. 在Properties-> AndroidManifest.xml下编辑一个。 The other is the generated one. 另一个是生成的一个。

I have always this bug, I have to remove the AndroidManifest file manually and add it from the (Right Click) Project Properties. 我总是有这个错误,我必须手动删除AndroidManifest文件,然后从(右键单击)项目属性中添加它。 Clean&Rebuild and it works for me. 清理并重建,它对我有用。

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