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[英]Retrieve and execute example code from an R package function as a codeblock in R-markdown

I want to extract the example code from an R package and run it in an rmarkdown file automatically. 我想从R包中提取示例代码并自动在rmarkdown文件中运行它。

I am able to extract the code using the function utils::example as follows. 我能够使用函数utils::example提取代码,如下所示。

example("geom_histogram", package = "ggplot2", ask = F,
         prompt.prefix = "", give.lines = TRUE)[-(1:5)]

I have tried to use chunk options results="asis" as follows, but the result is given as code output rather than code chunk. 我尝试使用chunk options results="asis"如下,但结果是作为代码输出而不是代码块给出的。

```{r,echo = FALSE, results="asis"}
cat(paste(example("geom_histogram", package = "ggplot2", ask = F,
                  prompt.prefix = "", give.lines = TRUE)[-(1:5)], collapse = "\n"))

I would like to have the code as a code block and the output from the same as in http://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/geom_histogram.html . 我想将代码作为代码块,输出与http://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/geom_histogram.html中的相同。 How to achieve this? 怎么做到这一点?

Updated answer: 更新的答案:

You can create a function to extract code and use it as a code argument in chunk option. 您可以创建一个函数来提取代码并将其用作块选项中的code参数。

# Function saved in functions.R file
getCode <- function(myFunction, myPackage) {
    example(myFunction, myPackage, ask = FALSE, character.only = TRUE,
            prompt.prefix = "", give.lines = TRUE)[-(1:5)]

Your Rmd ( myFile.Rmd ) should look like this: 你的RmdmyFile.Rmd )应该是这样的:

 ```{r, meta, include = FALSE} myPackage <- "ggplot2" myFunction <- "geom_histogram" source("functions.R") ``` ```{r, intro, echo = FALSE, results = "asis"} cat("#", myPackage, "\\n") cat("##", myFunction, "\\n") library(myPackage, character.only = TRUE) ``` ```{r, runCode, code = getCode(myFunction, myPackage)} ``` 

Knit Rmd with: knitr::knit2html("myFile.Rmd") for a result like this: Knit Rmd with: knitr::knit2html("myFile.Rmd") ,结果如下:


Previous answer: 上一个答案:

Write extracted code to a dummy file ( foo.R ) and use it as a code argument in chunk option. 将提取的代码写入虚拟文件( foo.R )并将其用作块选项中的code参数。

Example file ( myFile.Rmd ): 示例文件( myFile.Rmd ):

  • First chunk: loads tested library 第一块:加载测试库
  • Second chunk: extracts example and saves it to a file 第二个块:提取示例并将其保存到文件中
  • Third chunk: runs extracted code 第三个块:运行提取的代码
 ```{r, meta, include = FALSE} library(ggplot2) ``` ```{r, getCode, include = FALSE} code <- example("geom_histogram", package = "ggplot2", ask = FALSE, prompt.prefix = "", give.lines = TRUE)[-(1:5)] write.table(code, "foo.R", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE) ``` ```{r, runCode, code = readLines("foo.R")} ``` 

knit file with knitr::knit2html("myFile.Rmd") for a result like this: 使用knitr::knit2html("myFile.Rmd")编织文件,得到如下结果:


We can also remove hard-coded variables to have a more flexible output: 我们还可以删除硬编码变量以获得更灵活的输出:

 ```{r, meta, include = FALSE} myPackage <- "ggplot2" myFunction <- "geom_histogram" library(myPackage, character.only = TRUE) ``` ```{r, getCode, include = FALSE} code <- example(myFunction, myPackage, ask = FALSE, character.only = TRUE, prompt.prefix = "", give.lines = TRUE)[-(1:5)] write.table(code, "foo.R", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE) ``` ```{r, intro, echo = FALSE, results = "asis"} cat("#", myPackage, "\\n") cat("##", myFunction, "\\n") ``` ```{r, runCode, code = readLines("foo.R")} ``` 

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