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错误:无法解析'@ angular / compiler / src / core'

[英]Error: Can't resolve '@angular/compiler/src/core'

I am trying to learn Angular 5 and after completing several tutorial I have purchased a template to help me learn how to structure my application. 我正在尝试学习Angular 5,在完成几个教程后,我购买了一个模板来帮助我学习如何构建我的应用程序。

I am trying to add my own module while following the structure of this template I purchased but I get the below message. 我正在尝试添加我自己的模块,同时遵循我购买的这个模板的结构,但我收到以下消息。

ERROR in ./src/app/pages/property/property.component.ts Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@angular/compiler/src/core' in '....\\myProject\\src\\app\\pages\\property' ./src/app/pages/property/property.component.ts中的错误找不到模块:错误:无法解析'.... \\ myProject \\ src \\ app \\中的'@ angular / compiler / src / core'网页\\财产”


My module definatly exists in that location so I feel I have have misunderstood how modules and components are referenced and how the routing is used. 我的模块肯定存在于该位置,所以我觉得我误解了如何引用模块和组件以及如何使用路由。

I think the best way to try and get help here is by walking you through what I think is/should be happening. 我认为在这里尝试和获得帮助的最佳方式是引导您完成我认为/应该发生的事情。

index.html 的index.html

index.html calls the component with the selector az-root, in this case app.component index.html使用选择器az-root调用组件,在本例中为app.component

...other stuff...
...other stuff...

app.component.ts app.component.ts

displays the default page defined in the routes property of app.routing.ts 显示app.routing.tsroutes属性中定义的默认页面

...some imports...
  selector: 'az-root',
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent { }

app.routing.ts app.routing.ts

loads the pages module located at app/pages/pages.module.ts 加载位于app/pages/pages.module.ts的页面模块

...some imports...
export const routes: Routes = [
  { path: '', redirectTo: 'pages', pathMatch: 'full' },
  { path: 'pages', loadChildren: 'app/pages/pages.module#PagesModule' },
  { path: '**', component: ErrorComponent }
...other stuff...

PagesModule PagesModule

i'm not sure how the PagesModule defines the PagesComponent because the PagesComponent selector is never called. 我不确定PagesModule如何定义PagesComponent因为从不调用PagesComponent选择器。 But I have guessed that pages.routing.ts defines it 但我猜到pages.routing.ts定义了它

...some imports...
  imports: [
  declarations: [ 
export class PagesModule { }

pages.routing.ts pages.routing.ts

displays the pagesComponenet which calls a <router-outlet></router-outlet> in its template. 显示在其模板中调用<router-outlet></router-outlet>pagesComponenet Under the <router-outlet></router-outlet> of the pagesComponenet I would expect the propertyComponent to display but adding a reference to my propertyModule in the children array I get the afore mentioned error, what have I done wrong? pagesComponenet<router-outlet></router-outlet>下,我希望propertyComponent显示但是在children数组中添加了对propertyModule的引用我得到了上面提到的错误,我做错了什么?

...some imports
export const routes: Routes = [
        path: '', 
        component: PagesComponent,
            { path:'', redirectTo:'property', pathMatch:'full' },
            { path: 'property', loadChildren: 'app/pages/property/property.module#PropertyModule' }

export const routing: ModuleWithProviders = RouterModule.forChild(routes);

pages.component.ts pages.component.ts

...some  imports...
  selector: 'az-pages',
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
  templateUrl: './pages.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./pages.component.scss'],
  providers: [ AppState ]
export class PagesComponent implements OnInit {
...other stuff...

pages.component.html pages.component.html

<div class="container-fluid">         
    <div class="row"> 
        <div class="main">

Be careful with the auto import in vs code for angular, make sure that you are importing 小心角色的vs代码中的自动导入,请确保您正在导入

Component, NgModule from @angular/core , not @angular/compiler/src/core Component, NgModule来自@angular/core Component, NgModule而不是 @angular/compiler/src/core

@angular/compiler/src/core is sometimes what gets inserted when you hit tab to auto-import 当您点击Tab键进行自动导入时,有时会插入@angular/compiler/src/core


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