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[英]Convert a database of lat long co-ordinates into utm data in Python

I'm trying to convert a csv set up as [name | 我正在尝试将设置为[名称| lat | lat | long] into a new csv set out as [name | long]转换为新的csv,名称为[name | easting | northing | zone | 区| --], but it keeps coming up with the error; -],但它会不断提出错误;

Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\\ACES Mapping Project\\Data\\Latlong_data\\utm_request.py", line 25, in company = eachline[0] IndexError: list index out of range 追溯(最近一次呼叫最近):文件“ E:\\ ACES Mapping Project \\ Data \\ Latlong_data \\ utm_request.py”,公司中的第25行= eachline [0] IndexError:列表索引超出范围

I'm new to Python but had no problems when converting the original database of addresses and postcodes into lat and long with a very similar code so I'm unsure of what I've done wrong? 我是Python的新手,但是将原始地址和邮政编码数据库转换为经纬度很长的lat时却没有问题,因此代码非常相似,所以我不确定自己做错了什么吗? Any help would be great thank you, I'm sorry if this is really obvious. 任何帮助都将非常感谢,如果确实如此,对不起。 My code is below. 我的代码如下。

import csv
import utm

# Here enter the lat and long column numbers;

lat_col = 1
long_col = 2

# Here enter the name of the csv file for reading (r) and writing (w)

reading = 'Eng_latlong_data.csv'
writing = 'eng_utm.csv'

rawdata = open(str(reading),'r')
csv1 = csv.reader(rawdata,delimiter='|')

newdata = open(str(writing),'w')
csv2 = csv.writer(newdata,delimiter='|')

# below code will read through each line in lat long file
# then convert to utm
# and finally write as a new line with 'company name', (easting, northing, zone number, zone letter)

for eachline in csv1:
    company = eachline[0]
        u = utm.from_latlon(float(eachline[1]), float(eachline[2]))
        csv.writerow([company, u[0], u[1], u[2], u[3]])
        print(' ...error')


This is my fixed code, I'm sure it could be done with less but if it helps anyone, I just had blank lines in the csv file, which was fixed using the if and else statement. 这是我的固定代码,我相信可以用更少的钱完成它,但是如果对任何人都有用,我在csv文件中只是空行,使用if and else语句进行了修复。 The if len() > 1 runs through the code only if the length of that line is more than 1, else it doesn't. 仅当该行的长度大于1时,if len()> 1才会遍历代码。

    import csv
    import utm

    # Here enter the lat and long column numbers;

    lat_col = 1
    long_col = 2

    # Here enter the name of the csv file for reading (r) and writing (w)

    reading = 'SIA_latlong_data.csv'
    writing = 'SIA_utm.csv'

    rawdata = open(str(reading),'r')
    csv1 = csv.reader(rawdata,delimiter='|')

    newdata = open(str(writing),'w')
    csv2 = csv.writer(newdata,delimiter=',')

    # below code will read through each line in lat long file
    # then convert to utm
    # and finally write as a new line with 'company name', (easting, northing, zone number, zone letter)

    for eachline in csv1:
        if len(eachline) > 1:
                company = eachline[0]
                u = utm.from_latlon(float(eachline[lat_col]), float(eachline[long_col]))
                csv2.writerow([str(company), str(u[0]), str(u[1]), str(u[2]), str(u[3])])
                print(' ...ERROR')
            print(' ...blank line')


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