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[英]How can i convert stateless map component into react component

My MyMapComponent is the stateless component, it was used the compose and with props and props. MyMyMapComponent是无状态组件,它与props和props一起使用。 How can i convert into react component with this? 我该如何转换为React组件? My requirement is to place the code into render return function directly. 我的要求是将代码直接放入渲染返回函数中。

 const MyMapComponent = compose( withProps({ googleMapURL: "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyB-lALSE8L0zgfk0vdt73gNTsfalkAggwY&v=3.exp&libraries=geometry,drawing,places", loadingElement: <div style={{ height: "100%" }} />, containerElement: <div style={{width:"100%", height: ht,}} />, mapElement: <div style={{ height: "100%"}} /> }), withScriptjs, withGoogleMap )(props => ( <GoogleMap defaultZoom={10} defaultCenter={{ lat: 32.6804468, lng: -97.0827933 }}> <Marker onClick={props.onMarkerClick} position={{ lat: 32.6804468, lng: -97.0827933 }} /> <Marker onClick={props.onMarkerClick1} position={{ lat: 32.7020541, lng: -97.2755012 }} /> <Marker onClick={props.onMarkerClick} position={{ lat: 32.5872886, lng: -97.0258724 }} /> <Marker onClick={props.onMarkerClick1} position={{ lat: 35.2962839, lng: -98.2031782 }} /> </GoogleMap> )); 

I'm not sure about your requirement. 我不确定您的要求。 If you only need the render function, then stateless function is probably the correct way to go. 如果只需要render函数,那么无状态函数可能是正确的选择。

However, this will most probably be what you need: 但是,这很可能是您需要的:

https://codesandbox.io/s/wo837p9z5 https://codesandbox.io/s/wo837p9z5

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