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[英]flv stream decoding, 3gp encoding

Are there any open source projects in any language and other recourses that I need to look at in order to implement flv to 3gp conversion? 为了实现从flv到3gp的转换,是否需要使用任何语言和其他资源的开源项目? It's better to be streaming, I mean return first portion of 3gp before last portion of flv is downloaded. 最好进行流式传输,我的意思是在下载flv的最后一部分之前返回3gp的第一部分。

Or are there any similar services already implemented - my goal is to have something like http://converter.org?source=sourceUrl.flv&targetFormat=3gp that I can feed to 3gp player, in my case - on iPhone, and not wait until server downloads entire flv. 还是已经实施了任何类似的服务-我的目标是在iPhone上安装类似http://converter.org?source=sourceUrl.flv&targetFormat=3gp的文件 ,我可以将其馈送到3gp播放器,而不必等到服务器下载整个flv。

UPDATE: ffmpeg does really good job here, just 更新:ffmpeg在这里确实做得很好,只是

ffmpeg -i input.flv output.mp4

and that's it. 就是这样。 But output file can be used only after conversion is done. 但是只有转换完成后才能使用输出文件。 Streaming is still an open question. 流媒体仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。 There is ffserver that does some sort of streaming but I could not make it work. 有一个ffserver可以进行某种形式的流传输,但是我无法使其工作。

I'm not sure if it is possible, but if there's one thing that should do it. 我不确定是否可以,但是是否应该做一件事。 it's http://www.ffmpeg.org/ .. 它是http://www.ffmpeg.org/ ..

it can convert anything to anything on an online platform. 它可以将任何内容转换为在线平台上的任何内容。 don't know if it supports streaming but definitely the best solution for online video conversion 不知道它是否支持流媒体,但绝对是在线视频转换的最佳解决方案

Well this one might be a little late to the party but to stream video online you'll need a Media Streaming Server to deliver the video over a specific streaming protocol (ie HTTP,HTTPS,RTSP,RTMP). 嗯,这可能对聚会来说有点晚了,但是要在线流式传输视频,您将需要媒体流服务器来通过特定的流协议(即HTTP,HTTPS,RTSP,RTMP)交付视频。 I've also been looking for such a "real-time" transcoding service but the closest thing I've found so far is the Video CDN's which are quite pricy, and also limited in formats/support. 我也一直在寻找这样的“实时”代码转换服务,但是到目前为止,我发现最接近的是Video CDN,它价格昂贵,而且在格式/支持方面也受到限制。 What would be really nice is for one of the media servers to add in a real-time transcoding feature. 对于其中一台媒体服务器来说,添加实时转码功能将是非常不错的。 At the time of this writing no such service exists that I know of. 在撰写本文时,我不知道有这样的服务。

The top 10 most popular options for Media Streaming Servers are (IMHO): 媒体流服务器的十大最受欢迎的选项是(IMHO):

  1. VideoLAN - VLC Media Player (good for quick tests and proof-of-concept) VideoLAN -VLC媒体播放器(适用于快速测试和概念验证)
  2. Kaltura - Open Source video platform Kaltura-开源视频平台
  3. Real Media - Helix Universal Streaming Server (may be best bet for 3GP over RTSP) Real Media -Helix Universal Streaming Server(对于通过RTSP的3GP来说可能是最好的选择)
  4. Apple - Darwin Streaming Server / Quicktime (Live) Broadcaster (best for iPhone/iPad) 苹果 -达尔文流媒体服务器/ Quicktime(实时)广播器(最适用于iPhone / iPad)
  5. Red5 - Open Source Flash Streaming Server Red5-开源Flash流服务器
  6. Adobe - Flash Streaming Server Adobe - Flash流服务器
  7. Wowza - Media Server Wowza-媒体服务器
  8. FluMotion - Open Source Multimedia Streaming FluMotion-开源多媒体流
  9. Microsoft - Windows Media Server ( AVI , WMV , Silverlight & other formats) Microsoft -Windows Media Server( AVIWMVSilverlight和其他格式)
  10. FreeCast - An OGG Theoris (video) and OGG (audio) streaming/conversion platform FreeCast - OGG Theoris(视频)和OGG(音频)流/转换平台

As you can see there are many options for streaming and you can start as simply as hosting the video on the same server and delivering to Desktop computer browsers via HTTP (the easiest way to get started with this is trial & error). 如您所见,流式传输有很多选项,您可以像将视频托管在同一服务器上并通过HTTP传送到台式机浏览器一样简单地开始(最简单的入门方法是反复试验)。 Each offers different features in terms of protocols supported and transcoding, but none are truly real-time as you mention where you could feed in a source video and get an output video in the format of you choosing (ie 3GP). 每种协议在支持的协议和代码转换方面都提供不同的功能,但是正如您提到的,您可以在其中输入源视频并以您选择的格式(例如3GP)获得输出视频,这些功能都不是真正的实时功能。 My personal choice would be to start with VLC for small-scale tests on a home network, since it is basically a swiss-army knife for desktop video that can also act as a server for any of the formats it can playback (though it may be more complicated to get this to stream to the public internet and even harder to go all the way to a single device on a private carrier network, some info is available from people who've tried): http://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=45782 我个人的选择是从VLC开始在家庭网络上进行小规模测试,因为它基本上是台式机视频的瑞士军刀,也可以用作其可以播放的任何格式的服务器(尽管可能要使其流传输到公共互联网变得更加复杂,甚至更难将其一直传输到私有运营商网络上的单个设备,可以从尝试过的人那里获得一些信息): http://forum.videolan。 org / viewtopic.php?f = 4&t = 45782

Some basic transcoding instructions to go to MP4 (required for iPhone/iPad/iPods): http://wiki.videolan.org/MPEG-4 转到MP4的一些基本转码说明(iPhone / iPad / iPod需要): http : //wiki.videolan.org/MPEG-4

I also agree about FFMPEG being by far the best solution for video conversion, as it also supports 3GP and you can at least start playing around with conversion on your own test server, you might want to try the following PHP Classes project: http://www.phpclasses.org/package/5977-PHP-Manipulate-video-files-using-the-ffmpeg-program.html 我也同意FFMPEG是迄今为止视频转换的最佳解决方案,因为它还支持3GP,并且您至少可以在自己的测试服务器上开始进行转换,您可能想尝试以下PHP Classes项目: http:/ /www.phpclasses.org/package/5977-PHP-Manipulate-video-files-using-the-ffmpeg-program.html

In my experience that was an excellent contribution to speed web interaction with FFMPEG's mostly command-line and sometimes clunky interface. 以我的经验,这是通过FFMPEG的大多数命令行(有时是笨拙的界面)来加快Web交互速度的出色贡献。 Who knows, maybe you'll build the first real-time transcoding service, I'd be the first to signup as a customer and/or as a contributor to help you on that! 谁知道,也许您将构建第一个实时转码服务,所以我将第一个注册成为客户和/或贡献者来帮助您!

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