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在Mac OS X Mavericks上将Oracle Java Web Start与Firefox集成

[英]Integrating Oracle Java Web Start with Firefox on Mac OS X Mavericks

I would like to launch Java Web Start applications from Firefox on Mac OS X Mavericks by clicking on the link which provides the .jnlp file. 我想通过单击提供.jnlp文件的链接从Mac OS X Mavericks上的Firefox启动Java Web Start应用程序。

So far I only found a work around: 到目前为止,我只找到一种解决方法:

  • saving the jnlp file 保存jnlp文件
  • opening it in finder 在取景器中打开
  • right click "open with" 右键单击“打开方式”
  • then choosing Java Web Start 然后选择Java Web Start

This is not comfortable and it seems it might be intended, because Java (here an Oracle Java 8 JRE) was downloaded from the Oracle web site and not from the app store. 这很不舒服,而且似乎是有意的,因为Java(这里是Oracle Java 8 JRE)是从Oracle网站而不是从应用程序商店下载的。

Is there a better solution to integrate Java Web Start and Firefox? 有没有更好的解决方案来集成Java Web Start和Firefox?

I just had this and found the solution here: http://www.ca5.uscourts.gov/docs/default-source/cm-ecf/macfirefox.pdf 我刚刚有了它,并在这里找到了解决方案: http : //www.ca5.uscourts.gov/docs/default-source/cm-ecf/macfirefox.pdf

Basically: 基本上:

  1. Click the link to the jnlp file 单击指向jnlp文件的链接
  2. In the window that pops up, choose Open With and in the drop down choose Other... 在弹出的窗口中,选择“ 打开方式”,然后在下拉菜单中选择“ 其他...”。
  3. From the local Hard Drive, navigate to System > Library > Core Services > Java Web Start 从本地硬盘驱动器,导航至系统>库>核心服务> Java Web Start
  4. Tick the Do this automatically for files like this from now on box 从现在开始打勾自动为此类文件执行此操作
  5. Click Open 点击打开

In future, jnlp links should open with Java Web Start automatically 将来,jnlp链接应使用Java Web Start自动打开

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