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[英]Extract values from a dataframe based on a range of values from another dataframe

I am trying to extract the index values from a dataframe ( df1 ) that represent a range of times (start - end) and that encompass the times given in another dataframe ( df2 ). 我正在尝试从一个数据帧( df1 )中提取索引值,该索引值表示一个时间范围(start-end)并包含另一个数据帧( df2 )中给出的时间。 My required output is df3 . 我需要的输出是df3


Is there a tidyverse solution to this? 有解决这个问题的方法吗?

You can do it with R base functions. 您可以使用R基本功能来实现。 A combination of which inside sapply and logical comparison will do the work for you. 的组合which内部sapply和逻辑比较会做的工作适合你。

 inds <- apply(df1[,-1], 1, function(x) seq(from=x[1], to=x[2]))
 index <- sapply(df2$time, function(x){
   tmp <- which(x == inds, arr.ind = TRUE);
   tmp[, "col"]
 } )
 df3 <- data.frame(df2, index)
  time index
1   11     2
2   17     3
3   18     3
4    5     1
5    5     1
6    8     1

Data: 数据:


Code: 码:

# get index values and assign it to df2 column
df2$index <- apply( df2, 1, function(x) { with(df1, index[ x[ 'time' ]  >= start & x[ 'time' ] <= end ] ) }) 

Output: 输出:

#   time index
# 1   11     2
# 2   17     3
# 3   18     3
# 4    2      
# 5    5     1
# 6    5     1
# 7    8     1
# 8   22     4

Here is one option with findInterval 这是findInterval一个选项

ftx <- function(x, y) findInterval(x, y)
df3 <- transform(df2, index = pmax(ftx(time, df1$start), ftx(time, df1$end)))

#   time index
#1   11     2
#2   17     3
#3   18     3
#4    5     1
#5    5     1
#6   22     4

Or another option is foverlaps from data.table 或者另一种选择是foverlapsdata.table

dfN <- data.table(index = seq_len(nrow(df2)), start = df2$time, end = df2$time)
setkey(dfN, start, end)
setkey(df1, start, end)
foverlaps(dfN, df1, which = TRUE)[, yid[match(xid, dfN$index)]]
#[1] 2 3 3 1 1 4

As the OP commented about using a solution with pipes, @Jilber Urbina's solution can be implemented with tidyverse functions 正如OP所评论的使用管道解决方案一样,@ Jilber Urbina的解决方案可以使用tidyverse函数来实现

df1 %>% 
    select(from = start, to = end) %>% 
    pmap(seq) %>% 
    do.call(cbind, .) %>% 
    list(.) %>%
    mutate(df2, new = ., 
                ind = map2(time, new, ~ which(.x == .y, arr.ind = TRUE)[,2])) %>%
#   time ind
#1   11   2
#2   17   3
#3   18   3
#4    5   1
#5    5   1
#6   22   4


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