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[英]function for dplyr with argument that defaults to “.”

Let's say I want to sum over all columns in a tibble to create a new column called "total". 假设我想将tibble中的所有列相加以创建一个名为“total”的新列。 I could do: 我可以:


N <- 10
Df <- tibble(p_1 = rnorm(N),
             p_2 = rnorm(N),
             q_1 = rnorm(N),
             q_2 = rnorm(N))

# Works fine
Df %>% mutate(total = apply(., 1, sum))

I could make a helper function like so, 我可以像这样制作一个帮助函数,

myfun <- function(Df){
  apply(Df, 1, sum)

# Works fine
Df %>% mutate(total = myfun(.))

But let's say this myfun was usually going to be used in this way, ie within a dplyr verb function, then the "." 但是,让我们说这个myfun通常会以这种方式使用,即在dplyr动词函数中,然后是“。”。 referencing the data frame is a but superfluous, and it would be nice if the myfun function could replace this with a default value. 引用数据框是一个但是多余的,如果myfun函数可以用默认值替换它,那将会很好。 I'd like something like this: 我想要这样的事情:

myfun2 <- function(Df=.){
   apply(Df, 1, sum)

which does not work. 这不起作用。

Df %>% mutate(total = myfun2())
Error in mutate_impl(.data, dots) : 
 Evaluation error: object '.' not found.

Because I am not even sure how the "." 因为我甚至不确定“。” works, I don't think I can formulate the question better, but basically, I want to know if there a way of saying, in effect, if the Df is not defined in myfun2 , get the data-frame that is normally referenced by "."? 工作,我不认为我可以更好地表达问题,但基本上,我想知道是否有一种方式说,实际上,如果未在myfun2定义Df ,获取通常由引用的数据帧“”?

One option would be to quote the function and then evaluate with !! 一种选择是quote该功能,然后评估!!

myfun <- function() {
   quote(reduce(., `+`))

r1 <- Df %>% 
          mutate(total = !! myfun())
# A tibble: 10 x 5
#       p_1    p_2    q_1     q_2  total
#     <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
# 1  1.37    1.30  -0.307  0.455   2.82 
# 2 -0.565   2.29  -1.78   0.705   0.645
# 3  0.363  -1.39  -0.172  1.04   -0.163
# 4  0.633  -0.279  1.21  -0.609   0.960
# 5  0.404  -0.133  1.90   0.505   2.67 
# 6 -0.106   0.636 -0.430 -1.72   -1.62 
# 7  1.51   -0.284 -0.257 -0.784   0.186
# 8 -0.0947 -2.66  -1.76  -0.851  -5.37 
# 9  2.02   -2.44   0.460 -2.41   -2.38 
#10 -0.0627  1.32  -0.640  0.0361  0.654

Note that the reduce was used to be more in align with tidyverse , but the OP's function can also be quoted and get the same result 请注意, reduce用于更多地与tidyverse对齐,但OP的功能也tidyverse并获得相同的结果

myfun2 <- function() {
   quote(apply(., 1,  sum ))

r2 <- Df %>%
        mutate(total = !! myfun2())
all.equal(r2$total, r1$total)
#[1] TRUE

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