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[英]Can't call Given, When or Then from inside a SpecFlow step definition

I have a step definition in which I wish to call another step, but it will not compile: 我有一个步骤定义,我希望在其中定义另一个步骤,但无法编译:

    [Given(@"I am on the (.*) page")]
    public void GivenIAmOnThePage(string url)
        Given(@"I click the login button"); // cannot find this Given() SpecFlow library method

When building I get: 建造时我得到:

The name 'Given' does not exist in the current context

I have this using statement and VS does not suggest any others to complete the code: 我有这个using语句,VS不建议任何其他人来完成代码:

using TechTalk.SpecFlow;

I was missing the inheritance of the TechTalk.SpecFlow.Steps class... 我错过了TechTalk.SpecFlow.Steps类的继承...

public class PageNavigation : Steps


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