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[英]Workbook_Open handler not firing in add-in when opening workbooks

I have an add-in for Excel that I attempting to use to insert code to automatically rename the workbook if certain criteria are met. 我有一个Excel加载项,我尝试使用它来插入代码,以便在满足某些条件时自动重命名工作簿。 When exporting from our repo, all workbooks have the same name which results in 'Excel cannot open two workbooks with the same name at the same time' error happening over and over again. 从我们的仓库导出时,所有工作簿都具有相同的名称,导致“Excel无法同时打开两个同名的工作簿”错误一次又一次地发生错误。 I've gotten the code to work when the user clicks a button in the add-in, but my attempts to do the same by placing the code in the 'ThisWorkbook' section of the addin does not seem to work. 当用户单击加载项中的按钮时,我已经获得了代码,但是我尝试通过将代码放在加载项的“ThisWorkbook”部分中来做同样的事情似乎不起作用。 Is there a way to do this via the add-in? 有没有办法通过加载项执行此操作?

Please find my code below. 请在下面找到我的代码。

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
  Dim wbPath As Variant, wbNewname As Variant, newPath As Variant, wbname As Variant
  Dim fileExtension As Variant

  If ActiveWorkbook.Name Like "SR.*" Or ActiveWorkbook.Name Like "SR (#).*" And Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path Like "*Content.IE5*" Then

    Excel.Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    wbname = ActiveWorkbook.Name

    fileExtension = Right(wbname, Len(wbname) - InStrRev(wbname, ".") + 1)

    wbPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path

    wbNewname = "SR" & Int((465480 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 838588)

    newPath = wbPath & "\" & wbNewname & fileExtension

    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=newPath

    Excel.Application.DisplayAlerts = True

    Set wbPath = Nothing
    Set wbNewname = Nothing
    Set newPath = Nothing
    Set wbname = Nothing
    Set fileExtension = Nothing

  End If

End Sub

ThisWorkbook is your add-in - its Open event fires when the add-in file gets opened, not when any workbook is opened beyond that point. ThisWorkbook是您的加载项 - 当加载项文件被打开时,它的Open事件会触发,而不是在超出该点时打开任何工作簿。

What you want is to handle application-level events, more specifically the WorkbookOpen event. 您想要的是处理应用程序级事件,更具体地说是WorkbookOpen事件。 Add a private WithEvents field to your ThisWorkbook module: 将一个私有的WithEvents字段添加到ThisWorkbook模块:

Private WithEvents App As Excel.Application

In the Workbook_Open handler (ie at startup), Set that object reference: Workbook_Open处理程序中(即在启动时), Set该对象引用:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Set App = Application
End Sub

Now, look near the top of the code pane - there are two dropdowns. 现在,看看代码窗格的顶部附近 - 有两个下拉菜单。 The left-hand dropdown is listing all available event providers and interfaces (ie Workbook since ThisWorkbook is a Workbook object, but also any WithEvents fields and Implements interfaces you've defined in that module); 左侧下拉列表列出了所有可用的事件提供程序和接口(即Workbook因为ThisWorkbookWorkbook对象,还有您在该模块中定义的任何WithEvents字段和Implements接口); select your App field. 选择您的App领域。

Then, the right-hand dropdown will list all available events you can handle for App . 然后,右侧下拉列表将列出您可以为App处理的所有可用事件。 Pick the WorkbookOpen event, and the VBE will automatically create a procedure stub with the correct signature for you: 选择WorkbookOpen事件,VBE将自动为您创建一个具有正确签名的过程存根:

Private Sub App_WorkbookOpen(ByVal Wb As Workbook)

End Sub

In that handler procedure, you can put the code you want to run whenever a workbook is opened in Excel. 在该处理程序过程中,只要在Excel中打开工作簿,就可以放置要运行的代码。

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