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[英]Exporting SSRS report to Excel Problems

So, I spent almost a day trying to get my SSRS report to look passable in Excel. 因此,我花了将近一天的时间试图使SSRS报告在Excel中看起来可以通过。 Coworker wants to be able to print out information (using Fit All Columns on One Page), but the exported report text is getting cut off, when there's too many lines (since the max row height is 409 in Excel). 同事希望能够打印出信息(使用“在一页上显示所有列”),但是当行数过多时(因为Excel中的最大行高为409),导出的报告文本将被截断。 I can click the cell and see where the overflow of text begins. 我可以单击该单元格,然后查看文本溢出的开始位置。 I've gone through various forums to get troubleshooting advice, but nothing seems to help. 我已经遍历各种论坛以获得故障排除建议,但似乎无济于事。 I've tried making the font smaller, but it makes it pretty unreadable (it's already Arial Narrow font size 8). 我尝试将字体缩小,但是却使其变得不可读(它已经是Arial Narrow字体大小8)。 CanGrow is enabled in the report. 报告中启用了CanGrow。 I tried disabling, but I would have to make the rows super tall in Report Builder, but it still does not solve the problem of a cell only being 409 pixels tall. 我尝试禁用它,但是我必须在Report Builder中使行超高,但是仍然不能解决单元格只有409像素高的问题。

Some of the rows have a lot of rows of data. 其中一些行包含大量数据行。 I was thinking maybe splitting the data into two columns would be possible, but I'm assuming it isn't. 我当时想也许可以将数据分为两列,但我假设不是。 Here's a (terrible) visualization of what's happening. 这是正在发生的事情的(可怕的)可视化。 Thank you. 谢谢。

| Subject Name  |  Activity 1  | Name 1
|               |              | Name 2
|               |              | Name 3
|               ----------------------------------
|               |  Activity 2  | Name 1.....
|               |              | ........... 
|               |              | Name 50 (Imagine this is where it starts getting cut off in Excel)

I had an idea, not sure if this would be an acceptable solution for you but I figured I would share. 我有个主意,不确定是否对您来说是可以接受的解决方案,但我想我会分享。

In your example... 在你的例子中...

| Subject | Activity | Description |
| Joe     | Walking  | Overflows because too many characters (limit 10) |

You could potentially trim your description and add a description 2 您可能会修剪您的描述并添加描述2

| Subject | Activity | Description | Description2 |
| Joe     | Walking  | Overflows be| cause too many characters |

You would do this by replacing your item in the description data textbox with this expression: 为此,您可以使用以下表达式替换描述数据文本框中的项目:

=LEFT(Fields!Description.Value, 10)

Then add a Description2 column with this expression: 然后使用以下表达式添加一个Description2列:

=MID(Fields!Description.Value, 10, LEN(Fields!Description.Value) - 10)

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