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PHP / MySQL分组查询,如何将第二个查询与第一个分组?

[英]PHP / MySQL Grouped Query, how to group second query with first?

Having trouble figuring out how to group a selection in a while loop after a second query (within while loop). 在第二次查询后(在while循环内)无法弄清楚如何在while循环中将选择分组。 All info below. 下面的所有信息。

My Table 我的桌子

agcid int(3) NOT NULL,
ad int(1) NOT NULL,
fqdn varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`as` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
ps varchar(5) NOT NULL,
dn varchar(10) NOT NULL,
npa varchar(3) NOT NULL,
nxx varchar(3) NOT NULL,

Sample Data 样本数据

(1590305265, 2, 1, 'dlnirwtiv.xx.some.domain', 'ACT', 'UNA', '719587xxxx', '719', '587', '2018-03-22 17:15:01'),
(1590305266, 2, 1, 'kwror4203.xx.some.domain', 'ACT', 'UNA', '406290xxxx', '406', '290', '2018-03-22 17:15:01'),
(1590305267, 2, 1, 'o0ontf472.xx.some.domain', 'ACT', 'UNA', '406556xxxx', '406', '556', '2018-03-22 17:15:01'),
(1590305268, 2, 1, 'twron2507.xx.some.domain', 'ACT', 'UNA', '719992xxxx', '719', '992', '2018-03-22 17:15:01'),
(1590305269, 2, 1, 'qo3pkk149.xx.some.domain', 'ACT', 'UNA', '406299xxxx', '406', '299', '2018-03-22 17:15:01'),
(1590305270, 2, 1, 'wqqblbmij.xx.some.domain', 'ACT', 'UNA', '406309xxxx', '406', '309', '2018-03-22 17:15:01'),
(1590305271, 2, 1, 'c0woqk554.xx.some.domain', 'ACT', 'UNA', '719691xxxx', '719', '691', '2018-03-22 17:15:01'),
(1590305272, 2, 1, 'hsmt5b940.xx.some.domain', 'ACT', 'UNA', '970639xxxx', '970', '639', '2018-03-22 17:15:01'),
(1590305273, 2, 1, 'yfbl3rl8e.xx.some.domain', 'ACT', 'UNA', '406656xxxx', '406', '656', '2018-03-22 17:15:01'),
(1590305274, 2, 1, 'w5mkoc117.xx.some.domain', 'ACT', 'UNA', '406361xxxx', '406', '361', '2018-03-22 17:15:01'),
(1590305275, 2, 1, 'ulp5frrgj.xx.some.domain', 'ACT', 'UNA', '406563xxxx', '406', '563', '2018-03-22 17:15:01'),

I have this query 我有这个查询

$sql = "SELECT AGCs.name AS agcname, npa, nxx, COUNT( npa ) AS ooscount
WHERE agcid =  '".$_GET['agcid']."'
GROUP BY npa, nxx
ORDER BY  `ooscount` DESC";

And in my while loop, I then perform another query on data to correlate the NPA/NXX to a rate center/city. 然后在while循环中,我对数据执行另一个查询,以将NPA / NXX与费率中心/城市相关联。

SELECT rcabbr, s.l_state
FROM endoff
INNER JOIN state s ON s.s_state = state
WHERE npa =  '".$npa."'
AND nxx =  '".$nxx."' LIMIT 1";

This groups counts to a particular NPA/NXX 该组计入特定的NPA / NXX

This gives me an output like this. 这给了我这样的输出。

AGC OOS Count   Location    Rate Center NPA NXX
agc04   246 WAUSAU  WISCONSIN   715 298
agc04   170 MERRILL WISCONSIN   715 536
agc04   119 WAUSAU  WISCONSIN   715 842
agc04   116 WAUSAU  WISCONSIN   715 675
agc04   103 WAUSAU  WISCONSIN   715 845
agc04   85  WAUSAU  WISCONSIN   715 848

What I need to do now, is group all similar cities/counts into a single container like so: 我现在需要做的是将所有类似的城市/城市归为一个容器,如下所示:

AGC OOS Count   Location    Rate Center NPA NXX
agc04   672 WAUSAU  WISCONSIN   715 298
                                715 842
                                715 675
                                715 845
                                715 848
agc04   170 MERRILL WISCONSIN   715 536

I'm at a loss for how I would even go about accomplishing this due to table structures. 由于表结构,我什至不知道如何完成此操作。 The second query for state/city/rate center is from a LERG database (telephony data). 对状态/城市/费率中心的第二个查询来自LERG数据库(电话数据)。 I'm guessing I'd need to do this within PHP. 我猜想我需要在PHP中执行此操作。

---EDIT--- - -编辑 - -

I've made some progress. 我已经取得了一些进展。 I changed my query to this: 我将查询更改为此:

SELECT a.name AS agcname, m.npa, m.nxx, COUNT( m.npa ) AS ooscount, 
e.rcabbr, s.l_state FROM k.MTAs m
INNER JOIN k.AGCs a ON a.id = m.agcid
INNER JOIN endoffice.endoff e on e.npa = m.npa and e.nxx = m.nxx
INNER JOIN endoffice.state s ON s.s_state = e.state       
      WHERE agcid =  '3'
      GROUP BY e.rcabbr,m.npa
      ORDER BY  ooscount DESC

This is almost what I want: 这几乎是我想要的:

agc03   909 585 1047    BIGBEAR CY  CALIFORNIA
agc03   775 686 892     RENO        NEVADA
agc03   909 878 359     BIGBEAR LK  CALIFORNIA
agc03   775 298 252     CRYSTALBAY  NEVADA
agc03   909 527 195     UPLAND      CALIFORNIA

Trying to get the other NXX's to display under my group. 试图让其他NXX显示在我的组下。 For reference, with original query, there was 7 BIGBEAR CY rows, so this is grouping properly now with the exception of listing the other NPA NXXs 作为参考,对于原始查询,有7个BIGBEAR CY行,因此,除了列出其他NPA NXX之外,此行现在已正确分组

Join all 4 of your tables to get the per-NPA/NXX information. 联接您的所有四个表以获取每个NPA / NXX的信息。 Then join this with a subquery that gets the totals per rate-center. 然后将其与子查询结合,以获取每个费率中心的总数。

SELECT a.name, x.total_ooscount, e.rcabbr, s.l_state, m.npa, m.nxx
JOIN AGCs AS a ON a.id = m.agcid
JOIN endoff AS e ON e.npa = m.npa AND e.nxx = m.nxx
JOIN state AS s ON s.s_state = e.state
    SELECT e.rcabbr, s.l_state, COUNT(*) AS total_ooscount
    FROM MTAs AS m
    JOIN endoff AS e ON e.npa = m.npa AND e.nxx = m.nxx
    JOIN state AS s ON s.s_state = e.state
    WHERE m.agcid = {$_GET['agcid']}
    GROUP BY e.rcabbr, s.l_state
) AS x ON x.rcabbr = e.rcabbr AND x.l_state = s.l_state
WHERE m.agcid = {$_GET['agcid']}
ORDER BY s.l_state, e.rcabbr

When you're displaying the results, save the previous row's rcabbr and l_state in variables. 显示结果时,将上一行的rcabbrl_state在变量中。 If the current row is the same, leave all those columns blank. 如果当前行相同,则将所有这些列留空。

I figured out a way to resolve my issue. 我想出了一种解决问题的方法。 It was more of a PHP fix than MySQL, but figured I would share. 它比MySQL更像是一个PHP修复程序,但我想我会分享。

agc05olvemo ASHLAND OREGON  541201  55

I had to move the OOS count to the end in order to achieve this. 为了实现这一点,我不得不将OOS计数移到最后。 I'm still confused about this, but managed to make it work. 我对此仍然感到困惑,但是设法使它起作用。

Here is the query in use: 这是正在使用的查询:

$sql = "SELECT a.name AS agcname, m.npa, m.nxx, COUNT( m.npa ) AS ooscount,e.rcabbr,s.l_state
      FROM MTAs m
      INNER JOIN AGCs a ON a.id = m.agcid
      LEFT JOIN endoffice.endoff e ON e.npa = m.npa
      INNER JOIN endoffice.state s ON s.s_state = e.state
      AND e.nxx = m.nxx
      WHERE agcid =  '".$agcid."'
      GROUP BY npa, nxx
      ORDER BY rcabbr ASC";

Here is my crappy PHP to achieve the desired result. 这是我cr脚的PHP,可以达到预期的效果。 (don't criticize my aweful code, I'm not a developer by nature. :)) (不要批评我的代码,我不是天生的开发人员。:)

while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
  $agcrow = "";
  $agcname = $row['agcname'];
  $ooscount = $row['ooscount'];
  $npa = $row['npa'];
  $nxx = $row['nxx'];
  $rcabbr = $row['rcabbr'];
  $l_state = $row['l_state'];
  $npanxx = "".$npa."".$nxx."";

  if (isset($rc) && $rc != $rcabbr) {
      $agcrow .= "                       </div><div class=\"divTableCell\">".$rcoos."</div>\n                     </div>\n";


  if (!isset($rc)) {
      $rc = $rcabbr;
      $st = $l_state;
      $agcrow .= "\n                     <div class=\"divTableRow\">     
                   <div class=\"divTableCell\">" . $agcname. "</div>      
                   <div class=\"divTableCell\">".$rc."</div>      
                   <div class=\"divTableCell\">".$l_state."</div>
                   <div class=\"divTableCell\"><A href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?agcid=".$agcid."&npa=".$npa."&nxx=".$nxx."\">".$npanxx."</a><BR>\n";
  } else {
      $agcrow .= "                                                 <A href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?agcid=".$agcid."&npa=".$npa."&nxx=".$nxx."\">".$npanxx."</a><BR>\n";   
  $rcoos = $rcoos + $ooscount;

  echo $agcrow;

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