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[英]Python calculating letter grades

I'm having trouble getting the letter grade to output anything but F for any value of input that is put into the scores.对于放入分数的任何输入值,我无法获得字母等级以输出除 F 之外的任何内容。 Can anyone figure out what the problem is.任何人都可以弄清楚问题是什么。 It could be something in my if statement isn't correct but I am not sure if that is true.这可能是我的 if 语句不正确,但我不确定这是否正确。

score1=float(input("Enter score 1: "))
score2=float(input("Enter score 2: "))
score3=float(input("Enter score 3: "))
score4=float(input("Enter score 4: "))
score5=float(input("Enter score 5: "))
scores=[score1, score2, score3, score4, score5]

def determine_grade(scores):

    if score >=90:
        return 'A'
    elif score >=80:
        return 'B'
    elif score >=70:
        return "C"
    elif score >=60:
        return "D"
    elif score <60:
        return "F"


print("scores \t numeric grade \t letter grade") 
print("Score 1: ","\t", score1,"\t", determine_grade(score1))
print("Score 2: ","\t", score2,"\t", determine_grade(score2))
print("Score 3: ","\t", score3,"\t", determine_grade(score3))
print("Score 4: ","\t", score4,"\t", determine_grade(score4))
print("Score 5: ","\t", score5,"\t", determine_grade(score5))
calc_average= sum(scores)/len(scores)
print("Average Score: {0:.2f}".format(calc_average))

First, function determine_grade() is expecting a float parameter;首先,函数determine_grade()需要一个float参数; but you passed a list of float scores .但是你通过了一个浮点scores列表。

Second, within function determine_grade() , there is a mismatch between parameter scores and score .其次,在函数determine_grade() ,参数scoresscore之间存在不匹配。

Moreover, the code can be written in a cleaner way:此外,代码可以用更简洁的方式编写:

num_scores = 5
scores = []
for i in range(num_scores):
    score = float(input("Enter score {}: ".format(i)))

def determine_grade(scores):
    if score >= 90:
        return 'A'
    elif score >= 80:
        return 'B'
    elif score >= 70:
        return "C"
    elif score >= 60:
        return "D"
    elif score < 60:
        return "F"

print("scores\tnumeric grade\tletter grade")
print('-' * 40)
for i in range(num_scores):
    print("Score {}:\t{}\t{}".format(i, scores[i], determine_grade(scores[i])))
print('-' * 40)
calc_average = sum(scores) / len(scores)
print("Average Score: {0:.2f}".format(calc_average))

You should say what the problem is and what the output looks like.您应该说明问题是什么以及输出是什么样的。 Having said that, from a quick glance, I think this is your problem.话虽如此,乍一看,我认为这是您的问题。

def determine_grade(scores):

    if score >=90:
        return 'A'
    elif score >=80:

In your determine_grade function you are passing 'scores' but inside it you are checking the variable 'score' which will throw up an "undefined" error.在您的determine_grade 函数中,您正在传递“分数”,但在其中您正在检查变量“分数”,这将引发“未定义”错误。

Also you don't need this line.你也不需要这条线。 You're not really using the return value.您并没有真正使用返回值。


Other than the issue pointed out by hikerjobs, the line除了hikerjobs指出的问题外,这条线


will not do what you want it to do, because in that scope, scores is a list, becaues of the line:不会做你想让它做的事情,因为在那个范围内, scores是一个列表,因为该行:


But your determine_grade function expects a float.但是您的determine_grade函数需要一个浮点数。

(On that note, I recommend you get into the habit of writing docstrings for your code. It will help catch a lot of simple errors.) (关于这一点,我建议您养成为代码编写文档字符串的习惯。这将有助于捕获许多简单的错误。)

How about this?这个怎么样?

grades = {60:'D',70:'C',80:'B',90:'A',100:'A'}成绩 = {60:'D',70:'C',80:'B',90:'A',100:'A'}

myscore = 72我的分数 = 72


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