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在使用Prototype JS完成前一个功能后如何执行功能

[英]How to execute a function after the previous has finished using Prototype JS

In my example, I want to remove a class name from one element only after a fade out of another element is completed. 在我的示例中,我只想在淡出另一个元素之后才从一个元素中删除类名。 Here is my code thus far: 到目前为止,这是我的代码:

    $('search-box').observe('click', function(e) {

As you can see these will execute one after the other, but as the element fades out slowly it will look like its executing at the same time. 如您所见,它们将一个接一个地执行,但是随着元素逐渐淡出,它看起来像是在同时执行。 I want to wait to the fade completes before I remove the class name. 我要等到淡入淡出完成,然后再删除类名称。

Any suggestions? 有什么建议么? Would a callback work here? 回调在这里可以工作吗? Examples would be greatly appreciated. 示例将不胜感激。


Use the afterFinish callback to execute the function after the fade is done: 淡入完成后,使用afterFinish回调执行函数:

    afterFinish: function() {

See the Core Effects Overview for the options common to all the script.aculo.us effects. 有关所有script.aculo.us效果共有的选项,请参见“ 核心效果概述 ”。

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