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使用Rlang列出purrr :: pmap中的变量

[英]using rlang to list variables inside purrr::pmap

I am trying to write a function called grouped_lm, which basically runs linear regression models for each level of the combination of grouping variables ( grouping.vars ) for multiple criterion/dependent ( crit.vars ) and predictor/independent variables ( pred.vars ). 我试图写一个调用的函数grouped_lm,它基本上运行线性回归模型为分组变量的组合,每个级别( grouping.vars )多标准/依赖( crit.vars )和预测/自变量( pred.vars ) 。

This is done in such a way that first entry into crit.vars is regressed onto pred.vars . 这样做是为了使第一次进入crit.vars内容回归到pred.vars For example, if I enter grouping.vars = am , crit.vars = c(mpg, drat) , and crit.vars = c(wt, disp) (in the context of mtcars dataset), the function will run two regression models ( mpg ~ wt and drat ~ disp ) for each level of grouping variable am ( am = 0 and am = 1 ). 例如,如果我输入grouping.vars = amcrit.vars = c(mpg, drat) crit.vars = c(wt, disp) crit.vars = c(mpg, drat)crit.vars = c(wt, disp) (在mtcars数据集的上下文中),该函数将运行两个回归模型( mpg ~ wtdrat ~ disp )对应每个级别的分组变量amam = 0am = 1 )。

I have managed to create a dataframe from entered variables, write a custom function that runs linear regression models, but can't seem to figure out how to use rlang to get entered variables into the list elements that will be entered into purrr::pmap . 我已经设法从输入的变量创建一个数据框,编写一个运行线性回归模型的自定义函数,但是似乎无法弄清楚如何使用rlang将输入的变量获取将要输入到purrr::pmap的列表元素中。

Apologies for a lengthy question and thanks in advance for any help offered. 对于冗长的问题,我们深表歉意,并在此先感谢您提供的任何帮助。

# libraries needed

# function definition
grouped_lm <- function(data,
                       pred.vars) {

  #================== preparing dataframe ==================
  # check how many variables were entered for criterion variables vector
  crit.vars <-
  crit.vars <-
    if (length(crit.vars) == 1) {
    } else {

  # check how many variables were entered for predictor variables vector
  pred.vars <-
  pred.vars <-
    if (length(pred.vars) == 1) {
    } else {

  # check how many variables were entered for grouping variable vector
  grouping.vars <-
  grouping.vars <-
    if (length(grouping.vars) == 1) {
    } else {

  # getting the dataframe ready
  df <- dplyr::select(.data = data,
                      !!!pred.vars) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data = ., !!!grouping.vars) %>%
    tidyr::nest(data = .)

  # checking if the nested dataframe looks okay
  cat(paste("the entire nested dataframe: \n"))
  print(df)             # the entire nested dataframe
  cat(paste("first element of the list column from nested dataframe: \n"))
  print(df$data[[1]])   # first element of the list column

  #============== custom function ================

  # custom function to run linear regression for every element of a list for two variables
  lm_listed <- function(list.col, x_name, y_name) {
    fx <- glue::glue("scale({y_name}) ~ scale({x_name})")

    # this tags any names that are not predictor variables (used to remove intercept terms)
    filter_name  <- glue::glue("scale({x_name})")

    # dataframe with results from lm
    results_df <-
      list.col %>% # running linear regression on each individual group with purrr
      purrr::map(.x = .,
                 .f = ~ stats::lm(formula = as.formula(fx),
                                  data = (.))) %>% # tidying up the output with broom
      purrr::map_dfr(.x = .,
                     .f = ~ broom::tidy(x = .),
                     .id = "group") %>% # remove intercept terms
      dplyr::filter(.data = ., term == !!filter_name) %>% # add formula as a character
      dplyr::mutate(.data = ., formula = as.character(fx)) %>% # rearrange the dataframe
        .data = .,
        t = statistic,
      ) %>% # convert to a tibble dataframe
      tibble::as_data_frame(x = .)

    # return the dataframe

  # check if the function works
  group_mtcars <- split(mtcars, mtcars$am)
  fn_results <- purrr::pmap(.l = list(
    l = list(group_mtcars),
    x_name = list('wt', 'disp'),
    y_name = list('mpg', 'drat')
  .f = lm_listed) %>%

  # seems to be working!
  cat(paste("the custom function seems to be working!: \n"))

  #========= using  custom function on entered dataframe =================
  cat(paste("running the custom function on the entered dataframe: \n"))
  # running custom function for each element of the created list column
  df_lm <- purrr::pmap(.l = list(
    l = list(df$data),
    x_name = list(!!!pred.vars),
    y_name = list(!!!crit.vars)
  .f = lm_listed) %>%

  #============================== output ========================

  # return the final dataframe with results

# example usage of the function
  data = iris,
  crit.vars = c(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length),
  pred.vars = c(Sepal.Width, Petal.Width),
  grouping.vars = Species
#> the entire nested dataframe: 
#> # A tibble: 3 x 2
#>   Species    data             
#>   <fct>      <list>           
#> 1 setosa     <tibble [50 x 4]>
#> 2 versicolor <tibble [50 x 4]>
#> 3 virginica  <tibble [50 x 4]>
#> first element of the list column from nested dataframe: 
#> # A tibble: 50 x 4
#>    Sepal.Length Petal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Width
#>           <dbl>        <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>
#>  1         5.10         1.40        3.50       0.200
#>  2         4.90         1.40        3.00       0.200
#>  3         4.70         1.30        3.20       0.200
#>  4         4.60         1.50        3.10       0.200
#>  5         5.00         1.40        3.60       0.200
#>  6         5.40         1.70        3.90       0.400
#>  7         4.60         1.40        3.40       0.300
#>  8         5.00         1.50        3.40       0.200
#>  9         4.40         1.40        2.90       0.200
#> 10         4.90         1.50        3.10       0.100
#> # ... with 40 more rows
#> the custom function seems to be working!: 
#> # A tibble: 4 x 7
#>   group formula                   term    estimate std.error     t p.value
#>   <chr> <chr>                     <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 0     scale(mpg) ~ scale(wt)    scale(~   -0.768     0.155 -4.94 1.25e-4
#> 2 1     scale(mpg) ~ scale(wt)    scale(~   -0.909     0.126 -7.23 1.69e-5
#> 3 0     scale(drat) ~ scale(disp) scale(~   -0.614     0.192 -3.20 5.20e-3
#> 4 1     scale(drat) ~ scale(disp) scale(~   -0.305     0.287 -1.06 3.12e-1
#> running the custom function on the entered dataframe:
#> Error in !pred.vars: invalid argument type

Created on 2018-03-23 by the reprex package (v0.2.0). reprex包 (v0.2.0)创建于2018-03-23。

Edits after the answer was provided 提供答案后进行编辑

I was also wondering how I can get separate columns in the ouput for every grouping variable. 我还想知道如何在输出中为每个分组变量获取单独的列。 So, with the answer provided below, if I run- 因此,使用下面提供的答案,如果我运行-

  data = mtcars,
  crit.vars = c(wt, mpg),
  pred.vars = c(drat, disp),
  grouping.vars = c(am, cyl)

It works, but the output looks something like this: 它可以工作,但是输出看起来像这样:


As can be appreciated from the picture, it is not at all clear what do the values 1 to 6 represent. 从图片中可以看出,值1到6代表什么完全不清楚。 So it will be nice to also get a separate column for each grouping variable provided so that, in this example, there will be two columns am and cyl with their respective levels for each lm model. 因此,最好为每个提供的分组变量都获得一个单独的列,以便在此示例中,将有两列amcyl及其每个lm模型的各自级别。

(I have manually created this dataframe. This is not how the grouping is happening, but this is just to show what the desired output looks like.) (我已经手动创建了此数据框。这不是分组的过程,但这只是为了显示所需的输出是什么样。)


If we need to replicate the same behavior as in the example usage of 'mtcars' where the x_name and y_name are strings rather than symbols (which is the case of 'pred.vars' and 'crit.vars'), convert those to strings with quo_name ie 如果我们需要复制与“ mtcars”示例用法中相同的行为,其中x_namey_name是字符串而不是symbols (“ pred.vars”和“ crit.vars”的情况),请将其转换为字符串与quo_name

df_lm <- purrr::pmap(.l = list(
    l = list(df$data),
    x_name = map(pred.vars, quo_name),
    y_name = map(crit.vars, quo_name)
  .f = lm_listed) %>%

  #============================== output ========================

  # return the final dataframe with results


Or pass as symbol without any evaluation ie with !! 或者作为symbol通过而没有任何评估,即带有!!

df_lm <- purrr::pmap(.l = list(
    l = list(df$data),
    x_name = pred.vars,  ###
    y_name = crit.vars   ###
  .f = lm_listed) %>%

  #============================== output ========================

  # return the final dataframe with results


This has to do with how the lm_listed function is taking the arguments. 这与lm_listed函数如何接受参数有关。 Consider the objects as strings 将对象视为字符串

sl <- "Sepal.Length"
sw <- "Sepal.Width"

and glue returns it correctly glue正确返回

glue::glue("scale({sl}) ~ scale({sw})")
#scale(Sepal.Length) ~ scale(Sepal.Width)

Now, we change this to symbol , it also works 现在,我们将其更改为symbol ,它也可以工作

sl <- rlang::sym("Sepal.Length")
sw <- rlang::sym("Sepal.Width")
glue::glue("scale({sl}) ~ scale({sw})")
#scale(Sepal.Length) ~ scale(Sepal.Width)

But, the problem is in using !! 但是,问题出在使用!! for evaluating that is passed as input argument 用于评估作为输入参数传递的

sl <- !!rlang::sym("Sepal.Length")

Error in !rlang::sym("Sepal.Length") : invalid argument type !rlang :: sym(“ Sepal.Length”)中的错误:无效的参数类型

The !! !! is evaluated outside the environment of tidyverse functions, which result in the error tidyverse函数的环境之外评估,从而导致错误

-full code -完整的代码

grouped_lm <- function(data,
                       pred.vars) {

  #================== preparing dataframe ==================
  # check how many variables were entered for criterion variables vector
  crit.vars <-
  crit.vars <-
    if (length(crit.vars) == 1) {
    } else {

  # check how many variables were entered for predictor variables vector
  pred.vars <-
  pred.vars <-
    if (length(pred.vars) == 1) {
    } else {

  # check how many variables were entered for grouping variable vector
  grouping.vars <-
  grouping.vars <-
    if (length(grouping.vars) == 1) {
    } else {

  # getting the dataframe ready
  df <- dplyr::select(.data = data,
                      !!!pred.vars) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data = ., !!!grouping.vars) %>%
    tidyr::nest(data = .)

  # checking if the nested dataframe looks okay
  cat(paste("the entire nested dataframe: \n"))
  print(df)             # the entire nested dataframe
  cat(paste("first element of the list column from nested dataframe: \n"))
  print(df$data[[1]])   # first element of the list column

  #============== custom function ================

  # custom function to run linear regression for every element of a list for two variables
  lm_listed <- function(list.col, x_name, y_name) {
    fx <- glue::glue("scale({y_name}) ~ scale({x_name})")

    # this tags any names that are not predictor variables (used to remove intercept terms)
    filter_name  <- glue::glue("scale({x_name})")

    # dataframe with results from lm
    results_df <-
      list.col %>% # running linear regression on each individual group with purrr
      purrr::map(.x = .,
                 .f = ~ stats::lm(formula = as.formula(fx),
                                  data = (.))) %>% # tidying up the output with broom
      purrr::map_dfr(.x = .,
                     .f = ~ broom::tidy(x = .),
                     .id = "group") %>% # remove intercept terms
      dplyr::filter(.data = ., term == !!filter_name) %>% # add formula as a character
      dplyr::mutate(.data = ., formula = as.character(fx)) %>% # rearrange the dataframe
        .data = .,
        t = statistic,
      ) %>% # convert to a tibble dataframe
      tibble::as_data_frame(x = .)

    # return the dataframe

  # check if the function works
  group_mtcars <- split(mtcars, mtcars$am)
  fn_results <- purrr::pmap(.l = list(
    l = list(group_mtcars),
    x_name = list('wt', 'disp'),
    y_name = list('mpg', 'drat')
  .f = lm_listed) %>%

  # seems to be working!
  cat(paste("the custom function seems to be working!: \n"))

  #========= using  custom function on entered dataframe =================
  cat(paste("running the custom function on the entered dataframe: \n"))
  # running custom function for each element of the created list column

  df_lm <- purrr::pmap(.l = list(
    l = list(df$data),
    x_name = pred.vars,
    y_name = crit.vars
  .f = lm_listed) %>%

  #============================== output ========================

  # return the final dataframe with results


-run the function -运行功能

res <- grouped_lm(
  data = iris,
  crit.vars = c(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length),
  pred.vars = c(Sepal.Width, Petal.Width),
  grouping.vars = Species

-output printed 输出打印

#the entire nested dataframe: 
# A tibble: 3 x 2
#  Species    data             
#  <fctr>     <list>           
#1 setosa     <tibble [50 x 4]>
#2 versicolor <tibble [50 x 4]>
#3 virginica  <tibble [50 x 4]>
#first element of the list column from nested dataframe: 
# A tibble: 50 x 4
#   Sepal.Length Petal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Width
#          <dbl>        <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>
# 1         5.10         1.40        3.50       0.200
# 2         4.90         1.40        3.00       0.200
# 3         4.70         1.30        3.20       0.200
# 4         4.60         1.50        3.10       0.200
# 5         5.00         1.40        3.60       0.200
# 6         5.40         1.70        3.90       0.400
# 7         4.60         1.40        3.40       0.300
# 8         5.00         1.50        3.40       0.200
# 9         4.40         1.40        2.90       0.200
#10         4.90         1.50        3.10       0.100
# ... with 40 more rows
#the custom function seems to be working!: 
# A tibble: 4 x 7
#  group formula                   term        estimate std.error     t   p.value
#  <chr> <chr>                     <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>
#1 0     scale(mpg) ~ scale(wt)    scale(wt)     -0.768     0.155 -4.94 0.000125 
#2 1     scale(mpg) ~ scale(wt)    scale(wt)     -0.909     0.126 -7.23 0.0000169
#3 0     scale(drat) ~ scale(disp) scale(disp)   -0.614     0.192 -3.20 0.00520  
#4 1     scale(drat) ~ scale(disp) scale(disp)   -0.305     0.287 -1.06 0.312    
#running the custom function on the entered dataframe: 
# A tibble: 6 x 7
#  group formula                                  term               estimate std.error     t         p.value
#  <chr> <chr>                                    <chr>                 <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>           <dbl>
#1 1     scale(Sepal.Length) ~ scale(Sepal.Width) scale(Sepal.Width)    0.743    0.0967  7.68 0.000000000671 
#2 2     scale(Sepal.Length) ~ scale(Sepal.Width) scale(Sepal.Width)    0.526    0.123   4.28 0.0000877      
#3 3     scale(Sepal.Length) ~ scale(Sepal.Width) scale(Sepal.Width)    0.457    0.128   3.56 0.000843       
#4 1     scale(Petal.Length) ~ scale(Petal.Width) scale(Petal.Width)    0.332    0.136   2.44 0.0186         
#5 2     scale(Petal.Length) ~ scale(Petal.Width) scale(Petal.Width)    0.787    0.0891  8.83 0.0000000000127
#6 3     scale(Petal.Length) ~ scale(Petal.Width) scale(Petal.Width)    0.322    0.137   2.36 0.0225        

-result output 结果输出

# A tibble: 6 x 7
#  group formula                                  term               estimate std.error     t         p.value
#  <chr> <chr>                                    <chr>                 <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>           <dbl>
#1 1     scale(Sepal.Length) ~ scale(Sepal.Width) scale(Sepal.Width)    0.743    0.0967  7.68 0.000000000671 
#2 2     scale(Sepal.Length) ~ scale(Sepal.Width) scale(Sepal.Width)    0.526    0.123   4.28 0.0000877      
#3 3     scale(Sepal.Length) ~ scale(Sepal.Width) scale(Sepal.Width)    0.457    0.128   3.56 0.000843       
#4 1     scale(Petal.Length) ~ scale(Petal.Width) scale(Petal.Width)    0.332    0.136   2.44 0.0186         
#5 2     scale(Petal.Length) ~ scale(Petal.Width) scale(Petal.Width)    0.787    0.0891  8.83 0.0000000000127
#6 3     scale(Petal.Length) ~ scale(Petal.Width) scale(Petal.Width)    0.322    0.137   2.36 0.0225         

If we need to have the 'grouping.vars' also in the output 如果我们需要在输出中也有'grouping.vars'

grouped_lm <- function(data,
                       pred.vars) {

  #================== preparing dataframe ==================
  # check how many variables were entered for criterion variables vector
  crit.vars <-
  crit.vars <-
    if (length(crit.vars) == 1) {
    } else {

  # check how many variables were entered for predictor variables vector
  pred.vars <-
  pred.vars <-
    if (length(pred.vars) == 1) {
    } else {

  # check how many variables were entered for grouping variable vector
  grouping.vars <-
  grouping.vars <-
    if (length(grouping.vars) == 1) {
    } else {

  # getting the dataframe ready
  df <- dplyr::select(.data = data,
                      !!!pred.vars) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data = ., !!!grouping.vars) %>%
    tidyr::nest(data = .)

  # checking if the nested dataframe looks okay
  cat(paste("the entire nested dataframe: \n"))
  print(df)             # the entire nested dataframe
  cat(paste("first element of the list column from nested dataframe: \n"))
  print(df$data[[1]])   # first element of the list column

  #============== custom function ================

  # custom function to run linear regression for every element of a list for two variables
  lm_listed <- function(list.col, x_name, y_name) {
    fx <- glue::glue("scale({y_name}) ~ scale({x_name})")

    # this tags any names that are not predictor variables (used to remove intercept terms)
    filter_name  <- glue::glue("scale({x_name})")

    # dataframe with results from lm
    results_df <-
      list.col %>% # running linear regression on each individual group with purrr
      purrr::map(.x = .,
                 .f = ~ stats::lm(formula = as.formula(fx),
                                  data = (.))) %>% # tidying up the output with broom
      purrr::map_dfr(.x = .,
                     .f = ~ broom::tidy(x = .),
                     .id = "group") %>% # remove intercept terms
      dplyr::filter(.data = ., term == !!filter_name) %>% # add formula as a character
      dplyr::mutate(.data = ., formula = as.character(fx)) %>% # rearrange the dataframe
        .data = .,
        t = statistic,
      ) %>% # convert to a tibble dataframe
      tibble::as_data_frame(x = .)

    # return the dataframe

  # check if the function works
  group_mtcars <- split(mtcars, mtcars$am)
  fn_results <- purrr::pmap(.l = list(
    l = list(group_mtcars),
    x_name = list('wt', 'disp'),
    y_name = list('mpg', 'drat')
  .f = lm_listed) %>%

  # seems to be working!
  cat(paste("the custom function seems to be working!: \n"))

  #========= using  custom function on entered dataframe =================
  cat(paste("running the custom function on the entered dataframe: \n"))
  # running custom function for each element of the created list column

  df <- df %>%
  df_lm <- purrr::pmap(.l = list(
    l = list(df$data),
    x_name = pred.vars,
    y_name = crit.vars
  .f = lm_listed) %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
    left_join(df) %>%
    select(!!!grouping.vars, everything()) %>%
    select(-group, -data)   

  #============================== output ========================

  # return the final dataframe with results


-run function 运行功能

r1 <- grouped_lm(
   data = mtcars,
   crit.vars = c(wt, mpg),
   pred.vars = c(drat, disp),
   grouping.vars = c(am, cyl)

-output - 输出

# A tibble: 12 x 8
#      am   cyl formula                  term        estimate std.error        t   p.value
#   <dbl> <dbl> <chr>                    <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
# 1  1.00  6.00 scale(wt) ~ scale(drat)  scale(drat)   -0.101     0.995 -  0.102   0.935  
# 2  1.00  4.00 scale(wt) ~ scale(drat)  scale(drat)   -0.226     0.398 -  0.568   0.591  
# 3  0     6.00 scale(wt) ~ scale(drat)  scale(drat)    0.307     0.673    0.456   0.693  
# 4  0     8.00 scale(wt) ~ scale(drat)  scale(drat)   -0.119     0.314 -  0.379   0.713  
# 5  0     4.00 scale(wt) ~ scale(drat)  scale(drat)    0.422     0.906    0.466   0.722  
# 6  1.00  8.00 scale(wt) ~ scale(drat)  scale(drat)   -1.00    NaN      NaN     NaN      
# 7  1.00  6.00 scale(mpg) ~ scale(disp) scale(disp)    1.00      0      Inf       0      
# 8  1.00  4.00 scale(mpg) ~ scale(disp) scale(disp)   -0.835     0.225 -  3.72    0.00991
# 9  0     6.00 scale(mpg) ~ scale(disp) scale(disp)    0.670     0.525    1.28    0.330  
#10  0     8.00 scale(mpg) ~ scale(disp) scale(disp)   -0.535     0.267 -  2.00    0.0729 
#11  0     4.00 scale(mpg) ~ scale(disp) scale(disp)    0.932     0.362    2.57    0.236  
#12  1.00  8.00 scale(mpg) ~ scale(disp) scale(disp)    1.00    NaN      NaN     NaN      

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