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Android Room Pojo对象的功能不一致

[英]Android Room Pojo Object inconsist functionality

During development I face situation where I have to save Object with fields and List 在开发过程中,我遇到了必须将对象与字段和列表一起保存的情况

Looking for the solution I came across Room @Relation 寻找解决方案时,我遇到了Room @Relation

I've damm UserAndPets example 我有UserAndPets示例

class ShoppingListAndItems(
    var shoppingList: ShoppingListCache = ShoppingListCache.emptyInstance(),
        parentColumn = ShoppingListCache.COLUMN_PARENT_ID,
        entityColumn = ShoppingItemCache.ENTITY_COLUMN)
    var shoppingItems: List<ShoppingItemCache> = emptyList()

The problem with that kind solution, using following DAO - list is not being updated: 使用以下DAO的那种解决方案的问题-列表未更新:

@Query("""SELECT * FROM ${ShoppingListCache.TABLE_NAME}
    WHERE ${ShoppingListCache.COLUMN_IS_ARCHIVED} = :isArchived""")
fun getListOfShoppingList(isArchived: Boolean): List<ShoppingListAndItems>

Moreover that POJO cannot be use more then return type - what is disappointing 此外,POJO不能再使用然后返回类型-令人失望的是

fun insertShoppingListAndItems(newShoppingListAndItems: ShoppingListAndItems) // Error

fun insertShoppingListAndItems(newShoppingListAndItems: ShoppingListAndItems) // Error

Am I doing something wrong or Room doesn't support such functionality? 我是在做错什么,还是Room不支持这种功能?

You cannot use a non-entity with @Insert , @Update , @Delete . 你不能使用非实体@Insert@Update@Delete Honestly, there is no native solution to use non-entity class with any of the above annotation, but there are few workarounds. 老实说,没有本机解决方案可将非实体类与上述任何注释一起使用,但解决方法很少。

Take a look at this already answered question showcasing various workarounds to do: Android Room: Insert relation entities using Room 看看这个已经回答的问题,展示解决方案: Android Room:使用Room插入关系实体

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