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[英]type hints for method annotated with @property

How do you access type hints for methods annotated with the @property decorator? 如何访问使用@property装饰器注释的方法的类型提示?

Normally, this is very straightforward: 通常,这非常简单:

>>> class Foo:
...     def bar(self) -> str:
...             pass
>>> import typing
>>> typing.get_type_hints(Foo.bar)
{'return': <class 'str'>}

But once bar is annotated with @property and made into a property object, it's not obvious: 但是一旦bar@property注释并成为属性对象,它就不明显了:

>>> class Foo:
...     @property
...     def bar(self) -> str:
...             pass
>>> import typing
>>> typing.get_type_hints(Foo.bar)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.6.4_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/typing.py", line 1527, in get_type_hints
    'or function.'.format(obj))
TypeError: <property object at 0x1050fcc28> is not a module, class, method, or function.
>>> typing.get_type_hints(Foo.bar.__get__)

The __get__ isn't the actual function, but a wrapper around it: __get__不是实际的函数,而是它周围的包装器:

>>> Foo.bar.__get__
<method-wrapper '__get__' of property object at 0x11d6f3b88>

To access the function, you use property.fget : 要访问该函数,请使用property.fget

>>> Foo.bar.fget
<function __main__.Foo.bar>

And of course that has the annotations: 当然,这有注释:

>>> typing.get_type_hints(Foo.bar.fget)
{'return': str}

That isn't exactly obvious or discoverable. 这不是很明显或可发现。 IIRC, this came up at some point on python-ideas—it's relatively easy for Mypy or another outside static analyzer to get the annotations for a property , but not for code inside the program—but I assume nobody came up with a good answer, or it would have been implemented (or at least discussed in PEP 526 ). IIRC,这在某些方面出现在python-ideas上 - 对于Mypy或其他外部静态分析器而言,获取property的注释相对容易,但不能用于程序内部的代码 - 但我认为没有人想出一个好的答案,或者它已经实施(或至少在PEP 526中讨论过)。

你定义的函数是Foo.bar.fget ,而不是Foo.bar.__get__


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