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使用JavaScript和C#/ Rest下载XML文件

[英]Download XML file with JavaScript and C#/Rest

I have an xml document that I generated in C#, I would like to return the string/document via WCF/REST so it will be downloaded by the browser. 我有一个用C#生成的xml文档,我想通过WCF / REST返回字符串/文档,以便浏览器将其下载。 What is the operationcontract/return type that I should use? 我应该使用什么操作合同/退货类型? And how can I get it to be prompted to save by javascript and the browser. 以及如何让它被JavaScript和浏览器提示保存。

I had the similar issue with NodeJS backend. 我在NodeJS后端遇到类似的问题。

I returned XML as a string and then on front-end I used next code: 我以字符串形式返回XML,然后在前端使用下一个代码:

 <a href="data:text/xml,HERE WILL BE YOUR XML" download="filename.xml">Download</a>

Your operation contract should not be one way and you should return Stream 您的运营合同不应是一种方式,而应返回Stream

    [OperationContract(IsOneWay = false)]
    [WebGet(UriTemplate = "GetXml/{xmlFileName}")]
    Stream GetXml(string xmlFileName);

     public Stream GetXml(string xmlFileName)
    WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";

    string xmlLocation=GetXmlLocation(xmlFileName);

      return File.OpenRead(xmlLocation);
       // File Not Found

       return null;


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