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Python Tkinter:从列表框删除所有内容

[英]Python Tkinter: Delete all contents from ListBox

Hey guys pretty sure this is a simple fix, but I can't find anything. 大家很确定这是一个简单的修复程序,但是我什么也找不到。 Basically I'm filling a listbox, and I need it to update (pseudo update) whenever a user clicks a label in the listbox. 基本上,我正在填充一个列表框,并且每当用户单击列表框中的标签时,我都需要它进行更新(伪更新)。

My only problem is deleting all contents from the listbox. 我唯一的问题是从列表框中删除所有内容。 Below I have the function I implemented. 下面是我实现的功能。 Thank you in advance! 先感谢您!

class SocketThreadedTask(threading.Thread):
def _init_(self, socket, callback):
    self.socket = socket
    self.callback = callback
    self.allChannels = None
    self.privateChannels = {}
    self.publicChannels = {}
    self.channelMessages = {}

def run(self):
    channels = None
    messages = None
    while True:
            message = self.socket.receive()
            if message[0] == "channels":
                self.allChannels = message[1]
                for key, value in self.allChannels.items():
                    if key[0] == '+':
                        oldKey = key
                        newKey = key[1:]
                        self.allChannels[newKey] = value
                        del self.allChannels[oldKey]
                        self.publicChannels[key] = value
                    elif key[0] == '-':
                        key = key[1:]
                        self.privateChannels[key] = value
                message = message[0]
                self.callback(None, self.allChannels, None)
            elif message[0] == "messages":
                self.channelMessages = messages = message[1]
                message = message[0]
                self.callback(message, None, messages)
                message = message[0]
                self.callback(message, None, None)
            if message == '/quit':
                self.callback('> You have been disconnected from the chat room.')
        except OSError:

class ChatWindow(tk.Frame):
def _init_(self, parent):
    tk.Frame._init_(self, parent)


def initUI(self, parent):
    self.messageScrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(parent, orient=tk.VERTICAL)
    self.messageScrollbar.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky="ns")

    self.messageTextArea = tk.Text(parent, bg="white", state=tk.DISABLED, yscrollcommand=self.messageScrollbar.set, wrap=tk.WORD)
    self.messageTextArea.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="nsew")

    # list of users
    self.usersListBox = tk.Listbox(parent, bg="white")
    self.usersListBox.grid(row=0, column=4, padx=5, sticky="nsew")

    self.entryField = entry.BaseEntry(parent, placeholder="Enter message.", width=80)
    self.entryField.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=5, pady=10, sticky="we")

    self.send_message_button = tk.Button(parent, text="Send", width=10, bg="#CACACA", activebackground="#CACACA")
    self.send_message_button.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=5, sticky="we")

def update_window(self, message, channels, messages):
    if (message is None) and (messages is None):
    elif (channels is None) and (message is None):
    elif (channels is None) and (messages is None):

def refresh_users(self, channels = {}):
     self.usersListBox.delete(0, END)
     self.usersListBox.insert(0, "Channels")
     if bool(channels) is True:
          count = 1
          for key, value in channels.items():
               label = Label(self.userListBox, text=key)
               label.bind(None, self.switch(label.cget("text")))
               self.usersListBox.insert(count, label)
               count += 1


I will attach 2 images 我会附上2张图片 当频道中的任何人讲话时,都应该更新列表框。

I'm surprised it's not crashing. 我很惊讶它没有崩溃。 I don't see your import statements, but contextually in your code you may have to write: 我看不到您的导入语句,但是在上下文中,您可能必须编写以下代码:

 self.usersListBox.delete(0, tk.END)

I think you imported Tkinter as tk, and END is a component of tk. 我认为您将Tkinter导入为tk,而END是tk的组成部分。 Because it's not defined as such, is it possible that END is a variable in some wildcard-ed library or somewhere else in your code? 因为不是这样定义的,所以END是否可能是某些通配符库中或代码中其他地方的变量?

Specify tk.END or "end" in your delete function as in the example above and that would prevent this error. tk.END例所示,在删除功能中指定tk.END"end" ,这样可以避免出现此错误。

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