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[英]How can I use a Class returned by a function as a type in TypeScript?

I am working on a small library that contains a utility function that generates a Class. 我正在研究一个小型库,其中包含一个生成类的实用程序函数。 This is because the Class has quite a complex signature with a lot of generics. 这是因为Class具有很多泛型,因此具有相当复杂的签名。 It looks somewhat like this: 它看起来像这样:

function generateClass() {
  class GeneratedClass {
  return GeneratedClass;

The compiler correctly infers the return type of this function. 编译器正确推断此函数的返回类型。 The only problem is, I cannot use the returned value as a type. 唯一的问题是,我不能将返回值用作类型。 This only works if I extend the returned GeneratedClass. 这仅在我扩展返回的GeneratedClass时有效。 For a more elaborate example, see this TS Playground snippet . 有关更详细的示例,请参见此TS Playground片段

Is there any way to make the returned class usable as a type? 有什么方法可以使返回的类用作类型? I would rather not require consumers of my library to type class Something extends generateClass() { ... } , because that kind of defeats the purpose of the utility function making it more convenient to create these kinds classes. 我宁愿不要求我的库的使用者键入class Something extends generateClass() { ... } ,因为class Something extends generateClass() { ... } ,因为这种方法破坏了实用程序功能的目的,使创建此类类更加方便。

You can get the instance type in several ways: 您可以通过几种方式获取实例类型:

If you have an instance of the class you can use typeof with that variable to type the parameter: 如果您有该类的实例,则可以将typeof与该变量一起使用以键入参数:

  const FooClass = generateClass();

  const foo = new FooClass(5);
  function processFoo(fooParam: typeof foo) { 


In typescript 2.8 you can use the conditional type InstanceType : 在打字稿2.8中,您可以使用条件类型InstanceType

const FooClass = generateClass();

const foo = new FooClass(5);
function processFoo(fooParam: InstanceType<typeof FooClass>) { 


Pre 2.8 you can get the instance type without instatiating using a helper function and a dummy variable: 在2.8之前的版本中,您可以使用辅助函数和虚拟变量获取实例类型而无需实例化:

const foo = (function<T>(arg: new (...args: any[])=> T) : T{ return null as any})(FooClass);
function processFoo(fooParam: typeof foo) { 


In either case you can store the instance type in a type alias to use in several places: 无论哪种情况,都可以将实例类型存储在type别名中,以在多个地方使用:

type GeneratedClass = typeof foo;
type GeneratedClass = InstanceType<typeof FooClass>; // for 2.8

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