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[英]Express4 error middleware sequence

Came accros a sequence of code execution which I found unusual here is the code: 来了一个代码执行序列,我发现以下代码与众不同:

server.js server.js

const Actions_Single_PVC = require('./routes/Actions_single_PVC.js');

app.use('/Actions_single_PVC', Actions_Single_PVC);

app.use((err, req, res, next) => {

    console.log('invalid token');


Actions_single_PVC.js Actions_single_PVC.js

router.post('/', asyncMW(async (req, res, next) => {

throw new Error();


router.use((err, req, res, next) => {

And in case you have never seen this construction before here is asyncMW: 如果您之前从未见过这种构造,请参见asyncMW:

const asyncMiddleware = fn =>
  (req, res, next) => {
    Promise.resolve(fn(req, res, next))

  module.exports = asyncMiddleware;

What I didn't understand was that when an error is thrown (I reproduced it here with throw new Error(); ) that the error handling middleware in the server.js file is executed. 我不明白的是,当引发错误时(我在这里用throw new Error();再现了该throw new Error(); ),执行了server.js文件中的错误处理中间件。 I expected that the error handling middleware of the Actions_single_PVC.js would get executed. 我预计将执行Actions_single_PVC.js的错误处理中间件。

Question: 题:

Why is the error middlware in server.js executed and not the error middlware in Actions_single_PVC.js ? 为什么执行server.js的错误middlware而不执行Actions_single_PVC.js的错误middlware?

It is because the following code applies middleware to only request with base path matching Actions_single_PVC . 这是因为以下代码将中间件仅应用于基本路径与Actions_single_PVC匹配的请求。

app.use('/Actions_single_PVC', Actions_Single_PVC);

Whereas following code is apply middleware to all global requests. 而以下代码将中间件应用于所有全局请求。

app.use((err, req, res, next) => {

    console.log('invalid token');


If you'll hit the url /Actions_single_PVC then the middlewares in Actions_single_PVC will get hit. 如果你打的网址/Actions_single_PVC然后在中间件Actions_single_PVC会被打到。

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