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Namecheap 域的 Heroku 应用程序不起作用

[英]Heroku App with Namecheap Domain Not Working

I have tried everything that has already been suggested on this site and others.我已经尝试了本网站和其他网站上已经建议的所有内容。

The Normal Way正常方式

  • Add my domain website.info to Heroku's "Domains and certificates".将我的域website.info添加到 Heroku 的“域和证书”。
  • Change the CNAME record to website.info.herokudns.com with the host www .将 CNAME 记录更改为website.info.herokudns.com ,主机为www
  • Leave the redirect record to be Host @ , http://www.website.info .将重定向记录保留为 Host @ , http://www.website.info


"No Such App" comes up for Heroku. Heroku 出现“No such App”。

The WWW way万维网方式

The same thing as normal, except I added www.website.info to Heroku and removed website.info .与往常一样,除了我将www.website.info添加到 Heroku 并删除了website.info

"This site can't be reached. www.website.info 's server IP address could not be found." “无法访问此站点。无法找到www.website.info的服务器 IP 地址。”

Adding through the CLI通过 CLI 添加

Installing heroku cli to my Git Bash: npm install -g heroku-cli将 heroku cli 安装到我的 Git Bash: npm install -g heroku-cli

I try heroku domains:add website.info -a websiteapp .我尝试heroku domains:add website.info -a websiteapp

"Domain already added to this app." “域已添加到此应用程序。”

Tried accessing it.尝试访问它。 Same thing: "No Such App".同样的事情:“没有这样的应用程序”。

Removing the Redirect删除重定向

Same thing as the normal way, just without the redirect.与正常方式相同,只是没有重定向。

"This website.info page can't be found" HTTP ERROR 404 “无法找到此 website.info 页面” HTTP ERROR 404

I used to do this all the time when I was learning how to build web apps.当我学习如何构建 Web 应用程序时,我曾经一直这样做。 Worked flawlessly.完美无缺地工作。 Did Heroku change something for free dynos? Heroku 是否为免费 dynos 改变了一些东西? Do I need to run SSL or something?我需要运行 SSL 吗?

At the very least, I can redirect the domain to the website.herokuapp.com domain, but I would rather not do that.至少,我可以将域重定向到website.herokuapp.com域,但我宁愿不这样做。

I've just had the same issue and tried all the methods you have tried plus more.我刚刚遇到了同样的问题,并尝试了您尝试过的所有方法以及更多方法。 In the end how got my custom domain to work was to set my namecheap Domain settings to Custom DNS .最后如何让我的自定义域工作是将我的 namecheap Domain 设置设置为Custom DNS



From there i used the www.customdomain.com format on heroku and set the rest up on Cloudflare as follows:从那里,我在 heroku 上使用了www.customdomain.com格式,并在Cloudflare上设置了其余格式,如下所示:

On the DNS Tab在 DNS 选项卡上

Type Name Content TTL Proxy status CNAME www myapp.herokuapp.com Auto Proxied

On the SSL/TLS Tab select Full在 SSL/TLS 选项卡上选择Full

On the Page Rules Tab在页面规则选项卡上

If the URL matches: customdomain.com/

Then the settings are: Forwarding URL 301 - Permanent Redirect /www.customdomain.com

After i applied those settings everything worked perfectly.在我应用这些设置后,一切都运行良好。 I hope this can help anyone facing this issue in the future.我希望这可以帮助将来遇到此问题的任何人。

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