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我如何使用 nodegit 从分支中拉取?

[英]How do I pull from a branch with nodegit?

Would appreciate some help with nodegit.希望对 nodegit 有所帮助。 I got it to checkout a branch ( branch-development-modular-alpha-2.0.0 ) with:我得到它来检查一个分支( branch-development-modular-alpha-2.0.0 ):

var cloneRepo = nodegit
.Clone(cloneURL, repoPath, cloneOptions)
.then(function (repo) {
  repo.getBranch('refs/remotes/origin/' + branch).then(function(reference) {

    // Go through repo's submodules
    nodegit.Submodule.foreach(repo, function (submodule) {
      var submoduleName = submodule.name();
      var submoduleURL = submodule.url();
      var submodulePath = repoPath + "/" + submodule.path();

      // Clone the submodule
      .Clone(submoduleURL, submodulePath, cloneOptions)
      .then(function (repo) {
        // TODO: DO SOMETHING.

Now I'd like to pull the changes from the same branch and I have something like this however it's not updating with the latest changes from the branch.现在我想从同一个分支中提取更改,我有类似的东西,但是它没有更新分支的最新更改。

.open(path.resolve(__dirname, repoPath))
.then(function (repo) {
  existingRepository = repo;

  return existingRepository.fetchAll(cloneOptions.fetchOpts);
.then(function () {
  return existingRepository.mergeBranches('master', 'refs/remotes/origin/' + branch);
.catch(function(error) {

What am I doing wrong?我究竟做错了什么?

A pull would be a fetch + merge. 拉将是获取+合并。

Except the merge would be origin/master to master. 除非合并是原始/母版对母版。
Or origin/branch to branch. 或起源/分支到分支。

In your case, the nodegit merge function call should then be: 在您的情况下, nodegit merge函数调用应为:

return existingRepository.mergeBranches(branch, 'refs/remotes/origin/' + branch);

As Jamie Counsell adds in the comments : 正如Jamie Counsell 在评论中添加的那样

I ran into that error too. 我也遇到了这个错误。

It ends up it was because I was retrieving the branch name using nodegit as well, which gave something like origin/refs/heads/master instead of just master . 最终结果是因为我也使用nodegit检索了分支名称,它给出了诸如origin/refs/heads/master而不仅仅是master

Calling branch.shorthand() got me " master " 调用branch.shorthand()让我“ master ”了

Below is thepull example in nodegit repo:下面是 nodegit repo 中的pull 示例

var nodegit = require("../");
var path = require("path");

var repoDir = "../../test";

var repository;

// Open a repository that needs to be fetched and fast-forwarded
nodegit.Repository.open(path.resolve(__dirname, repoDir))
  .then(function(repo) {
    repository = repo;

    return repository.fetchAll({
      callbacks: {
        credentials: function(url, userName) {
          return nodegit.Cred.sshKeyFromAgent(userName);
        certificateCheck: function() {
          return 0;
  // Now that we're finished fetching, go ahead and merge our local branch
  // with the new one
  .then(function() {
    return repository.mergeBranches("master", "origin/master");
  .done(function() {

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