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如何在 iPhone 浏览器中实现分享功能?

[英]How to implement share functionality in IPhone browser?

How to implement share functionality in Iphone browser?如何在 iPhone 浏览器中实现分享功能? below code working fine in Android mobile browser like chrome.下面的代码在 chrome 等 Android 移动浏览器中运行良好。

Please help me.请帮帮我。

Thanks in Advance.提前致谢。

function fnShare(){
    if (navigator.share) {
    title: 'Web Fundamentals',
    text: 'Check out Web Fundamentals it rocks!',
    url: 'https://developers.google.com/web',
    .then(() => console.log('Successful share'))
    .catch((error) => console.log('Error sharing', error));
    alert('navigator.share not supported');

I tried in iphone (chrome browser) but it's not working.我在 iphone(chrome 浏览器)中尝试过,但它不起作用。

You can use Web Share API for that.您可以为此使用Web Share API

There's a great article from a source I trust explaining it .我信任的来源有一篇很棒的文章解释了它

They explain the overall idea (limitations and requirements) and provide the following demo:他们解释了总体思路(限制和要求)并提供了以下演示:

 const shareButton = document.querySelector('.share-button'); const shareDialog = document.querySelector('.share-dialog'); const closeButton = document.querySelector('.close-button'); shareButton.addEventListener('click', event => { if (navigator.share) { navigator.share({ title: 'WebShare API Demo', url: 'https://codepen.io/ayoisaiah/pen/YbNazJ' }).then(() => { console.log('Thanks for sharing!'); }) .catch(console.error); } else { shareDialog.classList.add('is-open'); } }); closeButton.addEventListener('click', event => { shareDialog.classList.remove('is-open'); });
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