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如何在React Native中使字体大小响应

[英]How to make font-size responsive in react native

How to change the font-size according to the view since flex-box doesn't allow changing its font-size in percent. 由于flex-box不允许以百分比形式更改其字体大小,因此如何根据视图更改字体大小。 I tried using dimension but that did not work. 我尝试使用尺寸,但这没有用。

You could scale your fontSize with this code snippet: 您可以使用以下代码段缩放fontSize:

SCREEN_WIDTH = Dimensions.get('window').width; // get current width
SCALE = 375; // constant, 375 is standard width of  iphone 6 / 7 / 8 

const scaleFontSize = (fontSize) => {
    const ratio = fontSize / SCALE; // get ratio based on your standard scale 
    const newSize = Math.round(ratio * SCREEN_WIDTH);
    return newSize; 

Now you can call scaleFontSize with your standard fontSize and it will automatically be scaled. 现在,您可以使用标准fontSize调用scaleFontSize ,它将自动缩放。

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