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[英]WPF: Use element multiple times in XAML

For example I have an element in some XAML view. 例如,我在某些XAML视图中有一个元素。

<TextBox x:Name="SomeName" Text="{Binding SomeText}"></TextBox>

    <!-- TODO: Render "SomeName" here-->
    <!-- TODO: Render "SomeName" here also-->

Is it possible? 可能吗?

For example by ContentControl or something... 例如通过ContentControl之类的东西

You're right about the ContentControl idea, you just need to use it with a "DataTemplate" 您对ContentControl的想法是正确的,只需要将其与“ DataTemplate”一起使用


    <DataTemplate x:Key="SomeNameTemplate">
        <TextBox Text="{Binding}" />


    <ContentControl Content="{Binding SomeText}" ContentTemplate="{StaticResource SomeNameTemplate}" />
    <ContentControl Content="{Binding SomeText}" ContentTemplate="{StaticResource SomeNameTemplate}" />
    <ContentControl Content="{Binding SomeText}" ContentTemplate="{StaticResource SomeNameTemplate}" />

EDIT: 编辑:

The ContentControl and any control with a "Content" field can automatically select it's template by type. ContentControl和带有“ Content”字段的任何控件都可以按类型自动选择其模板。

// Let's define a collection item type
class Item
    public Item ( string text, DateTime date )
        SomeText = text;
        SomeDate = date;

    public string SomeText { get; private set; }
    public DateTime SomeDate { get; private set; }

// A simple viewmodel
class SomeViewModel : ViewModelBase
    public SomeViewModel ( )
        Items.Add ( new Item ( "Item A", DateTime.MinValue ) );
        Items.Add ( new Item ( "Item B", DateTime.UtcNow   ) );
        Items.Add ( new Item ( "Item C", DateTime.MaxValue ) );

    public ObservableCollection<Item> Items { get; }
     = new ObservableCollection<Item> ( );

Instead of giving it a key, we define our template by a type 我们没有给它一个密钥,而是通过一种类型来定义模板


    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:Item}">

        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding SomeText}" />
            <DatePicker DisplayDate="{Binding SomeDate}" />


In both case, wpf will check the content's type and use our previous template we defined by type 在这两种情况下,wpf都会检查内容的类型并使用我们以前按类型定义的模板

    <ContentControl Content="{Binding Items[0]}" />

    <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" />

You can use Resources , as follows: 您可以使用Resources ,如下所示:

    <Style TargetType="TextBlock" x:Key="myTextBlock">
        <Setter Property="Text" Value="myText"/>


    <TextBlock Style="{StaticResource myTextBlock}" Grid.Row="0"/>
    <TextBlock Style="{StaticResource myTextBlock}" Grid.Row="1"/>
    <TextBlock Style="{StaticResource myTextBlock}" Grid.Row="2"/>

as a possible solution you can define TextBox as non-shared resource. 作为一种可能的解决方案,您可以将TextBox定义为非共享资源。 and then display that resource in different ContentControls (via Content property) 然后在不同的ContentControls中显示该资源(通过Content属性)

        <TextBox x:Key="SomeName" Text="{Binding SomeText}" x:Shared="False"/>

        <ContentControl Content="{StaticResource SomeName}"/>
        <ContentControl Content="{StaticResource SomeName}"/>

in this example two TextBoxes will be generated, both bound to SomeText 在此示例中,将生成两个 TextBoxes,它们都绑定到SomeText

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