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[英]Configuring Gradle to speed up cordova-cli builds

I use Cordova CLI to build my hybrid Android app. 我使用Cordova CLI构建我的混合Android应用。 In my effort to speed up compile times I have moved the entire Android installation to an SSD and upgraded my machine with an extra 8Gb of memory (total of 16Gb). 为了加快编译速度,我将整个Android安装都移至SSD上,并为机器升级了额外的8Gb内存(总共16Gb)。 Nevertheless I see zero effect on compile times which are stuck at pretty much the same figure as they were prior to these upgrades. 不过,我发现对编译时间的影响为零,几乎与升级之前的数字相同。 I am starting to suspect that it is not enough to merely provide more resources. 我开始怀疑仅仅提供更多的资源是不够的。 Somehow Gradle needs to be told to use them. 需要以某种方式告诉Gradle使用它们。 However, I am not sure how I do this within the context of a hybrid Cordova app. 但是,我不确定如何在混合Cordova应用程序的上下文中执行此操作。

Acting on the ideas I found in this Reddit thread I created a gradle.properties file in the app/platforms/android folder where I put 根据我在Reddit线程中发现的想法,我在gradle.propertiesapp/platforms/android文件夹中创建了gradle.properties文件

org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xms2048m -Xmx8096m -XX:PermSize=1024 
                   -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=1024m

This did have an effect - it made the build almost 50% slower! 这确实有效果-它使构建速度降低了近50%! The first build with a new Gradle daemon is usually slower so I recompiled. 通常,使用新的Gradle守护程序进行的首次构建速度会较慢,因此我需要重新编译。 There was a small saving but the build was still slower than before. 节省了一点钱,但是构建仍然比以前慢。 Clearly, there is more to configuring Gradle than telling it to use tons of memory. 显然,配置Gradle不仅仅是告诉它使用大量内存。 However, I have no experience in the domain. 但是,我没有相关领域的经验。 Could someone here tell me how I should go about the process in order to get some real performance benefits? 有人可以告诉我我应该如何进行该过程,以获得真正的性能收益?

I was recently working on tuning Jenkins pipelines and migrating an app from Maven to Gradle so I hope my knowledge might be useful. 我最近正在调整Jenkins管道,并将应用程序从Maven迁移到Gradle,所以我希望我的知识可能有用。

First of all, you can measure difference in execution time in the following way: 首先,您可以通过以下方式衡量执行时间的差异:

  • remove all .gradle folders. 删除所有.gradle文件夹。 It is Gradle's cache folders and it might be accidentally used. 它是Gradle的缓存文件夹,可能被意外使用。
  • execute gradle --stop . 执行gradle --stop It will stop Gradle daemons so that no cache in daemons itself can be used. 它将停止Gradle守护程序,以便守护程序本身无法使用任何缓存。
  • run gradle clean build 运行gradle clean build

Secondly, the gain that you've got is mostly due to using org.gradle.parallel=true . 其次,您获得的收益主要归功于使用org.gradle.parallel=true You may try to remove other things and I bet there will be no significant change in performance. 您可以尝试删除其他内容,但我敢保证性能不会发生重大变化。 org.gradle.daemon=true is the default value for the option. org.gradle.daemon=true是该选项的默认值。 Also, I would revise JVM flags as eg -XX:MaxPermSize is not used in Java 8 (although I understand you're working on Android app) 另外,我会修改JVM标志,例如-XX:MaxPermSize未在Java 8中使用(尽管我了解您正在使用Android应用程序)

Thirdly, regarding speeding up the compilation itself, you can use this flags: 第三,关于加快编译本身,可以使用以下标志:

GRADLE_OPTS="-XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1"

It should turn off JVM profiling so it might do the trick for you. 它应该关闭JVM性能分析,以便为您解决问题。

Thirdly, check compile vs implementation . 第三,检查compileimplementation Using of implementation configuration theoretically may speed up compilation and recompilation process because of not using transitive dependencies. 理论上,由于不使用传递依赖项,因此使用implementation配置可以加快编译和重新编译过程。

I guess I don't know other ways to speed up compilation of a Gradle project. 我想我不知道其他方法可以加快Gradle项目的编译速度。 However, there are things like parallel test execution if you're interested in speeding up the whole build. 但是,如果您有兴趣加快整个构建的速度,可以使用并行测试执行之类的方法。

The last note: check you plugins. 最后一点:检查您的插件。 Sometimes they do useless things you don't really need (mine bottleneck was wsdl2java ) eg copying many unused generated sources. 有时它们会执行您真正不需要的无用的工作(瓶颈是wsdl2java ),例如复制许多未使用的生成的源。

Hope it helps! 希望能帮助到你!

Move your project's build folder to SSD: there are tons of write operations during build and write is always much slower than read. 将项目的构建文件夹移动到SSD:在构建过程中有大量的写操作,写操作总是比读操作慢得多。

And configure antivirus software (if any) to exclude all java binaries, project's build folder and ~/.gradle from scanning. 并配置防病毒软件(如果有)以从扫描中排除所有Java二进制文件,项目的构建文件夹和〜/ .gradle。

These two actions should be enough to see the difference. 这两个动作应该足以看出差异。

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